The meanest, most expensive deck you can think of.
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on July 26, 2018, 7:56 a.m. by vishnarg
Hey all,
My playgroup is having a sorta disagreement about proxies. They say all proxies are always okay because they let people play what they want, even a person who owns 0 magic cards should be allowed to play any edh deck they can dream of; I argue that proxies have a use but should not be abused, and that doing so will make a player who has their own weaker deck feel bad to lose against all proxies.
Regardless that's not what this thread is about. I want to prove them wrong by actions, not words. So I'm looking for the meanest baddest rudest EDH deck you can think of, no budget restrictions, no worries about playing dumb combos (flash hulk for example), all the worst stax pieces, whatever. Basically I'm looking for a decklist for the MOST competitive edh decks you know of, the decks that win most consistently that people dont want to play against ever. Show off your best decks! Thanks!
My Tasigur deck is not as optimized as it would be if I used proxy cards (my friends and I don't like proxies) but it's pretty close. It's just a control deck with infinite combos to finish games, but it sure is tough to play against. Not sure if it's optimized to beat your playgroup either but it's a start. It's where I would start if I was going to do this anyways.
Tasigur's home in Seasons Past was Cabals Coffers
Commander / EDH
July 26, 2018 9:51 a.m.
Megalomania says... #4
World Breaker Hulk
Commander / EDH*
I have started hearing complaints from my usually very accepting and tolerant playgroup. I wouldn’t say this is the priciest deck I have built but it is certainly the most successful one.
July 26, 2018 10:16 a.m.
Tagging MagicalHacker for his edh tier list. Any of the “tier 1” decks on that list are what you’re looking for.
July 26, 2018 11:32 a.m.
jordybear2002 says... #6
You want BROKEN?!?!?! Here are a few broken creatures. Narset, Enlightened Master, Arcum Dagsson, Athreos, God of Passage with shadowborn apostles, Diaochan, Artful Beauty, Atraxa, Praetors' Voice infect, Karametra, God of Harvests Enchantress goes broken with pillow forting and I can give you a goo combo for it if interested, Fumiko the Low Blood + goblins, and last but not least Sliver Overlord. And this is in my opinion but just remember. You can have a $1,000 deck but still lose to a $200-300 deck.
July 26, 2018 11:42 a.m.
My playergroup went through this phase when we first started playing within one year of us playing EDH seriously. What happened is this:
- We made expensive but not good decks.
- People improved and the powerlevel of the group skyrocketed.
- People built so many decks they became VERY good at the format and deckbuilding.
- People realized less tuned stuff is what appeals to them more.
- The group is now runs less powerful strategies but ones that are insanely optimized.
- Even when we stopped playing with proxies, the group's powerlevel stayed far above what the norm is for most groups.
Be very careful what you wish for. I predict that should you go down this path, you will inevitably power creep your meta.
July 26, 2018 11:52 a.m.
rockleemyhero says... #8
The most broken deck you could make would be flash hulk. Wins consistently by t3 with counter back up and as early as t1. Once flash resolves you grab Grand Abolisher so you are unstoppable. Here's a good example.
July 26, 2018 12:08 p.m.
I would highly recommend you do not go this route. Unless your playgroup wants to play cutthroat competitive magic no one will have fun and people will end up angry.
July 26, 2018 1 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #10
Sorry DuTogira, that list was made by thegigibeast, sonnet666, and NarejED: [List - Multiplayer] EDH Generals by Tier. I only made 18 lists of staples on my profile ;)
But yes, if your playgroup would be interested in playing cEDH, that deck has a bunch of insight into the format and even quite a few sample decklists.
July 26, 2018 3:18 p.m.
pizzagod13 says... #11
This is a cut-throat tournament deck. Should be exactly what your looking for!
July 26, 2018 3:49 p.m.
pizzagod13 says... #12
Also like other people have said this could have the opposite of the effect you want. People in your group could start doing the same thing rather than agreeing to ban proxies. Or they could just get mad. So it’s your choice but I would advise caution.
July 26, 2018 3:53 p.m.
jordybear2002 says... #13
Ok but I guess I should have added this. I learned about proxies a while ago. Then I made my Karametra deck starting out with 55 PROXIES! So I saw that some things just shouldn't be proxied if you don't plan on replacing it with the real card. I am now down to 32 in the deck and not happy that there are proxies because I now have the feeling of cheating the game because of the proxies. But I now when ever I go to my LGS I ALWAYS make sure that I replace at least 1 proxy so that I don't get lazy with the deck and not replace them. And my urge to make proxy decks was getting bigger and bigger! So I am now to the point where I know I can brew a nice deck on my own without proxies. And like other people said. Take caution into this and make sure that you realize that this could change your playgroup for ever. You could start the path to cutthroat magic and mad people. So That is all and good luck and may the card draw ever be in your favor.
July 26, 2018 4:37 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #14
A well tuned (and well piloted) Breya, Etherium Shaper deck is both very good and very expensive.
July 26, 2018 5:39 p.m.
I know I cautioned you about the danger of proxies earlier, but my group now has an amazing relationship with them. We've now been playing for a while and all of us have massive collections. Still, we don't have enough staples where we can put together that 3rd perfect deck. Sooner or later we run out of OG duals and other expensive staples. I'm not really keen on buying a second Transmute Artifact just because I want to play some artifact deck that week.
Anyone at any time in my group can print out 100 cards with nothing other than the ban list holding them back. Last week I felt like playing something that actually had creatures for a change so I threw together an Atraxa deck just for the day. Just the optimized land base is horrendously expensive. There's no way I could make anything like that without poaching all of my decks and then some.
The only reason my group can do this is because we've been to the absolute highest tiers of play (and I still regularly play cEDH decks in our group) and backed down a peg. It just got to a point where people got kinda bummed out they couldn't play jank like Borborygmos Enraged because of the group's power level. No one really said anything, but people collectively began bringing worse decks to our sessions. Being the spikiest player at the table, I was forced to tone down my decks in turn because I recognized that not everyone wanted the true competitive experience in my group. That's something that your group might not be willing to do.
I think proxies are wonderful. They got me to build and play so many unique decks and just being able to experiment freely allowed me to become incredibly versed in the format quickly and I wouldn't be playing magic today if it weren't for the freedom to explore proxies gave me.
I get the hate for proxies. At one point, the only real deck I had was my competitive Grand Arbiter list is easily almost 2K and that is still missing a Timetwister. I couldn't play in any shops. I made a Nicol Bolas deck entirely of proxies worth about $100 in real cards just to play in shops. Even though my proxies were well made and all were actual cards (not like some animuh grill on a counterspell or something) I still got told not to play the deck by some people.
Gleeock says... #2
Captain Sisay + max stax + elf dorks & mox + MLD + a few key pieces. Don't even waste card slots on targeted removal, you combo out too quick (hence why I don't build this Sisay deck) but this is a deck that really turn 3's people when built right. If you NEED removal, Urza's Ruinous Blast can be tutored and tends to set people back. Just use Captain Sisay + rocks + Paradox Engine + tutor up 0 cost mox... start casting, tutoring, get card draw elf Selvala, Explorer Returned, get Dromoka, lock people out... grow your rocks until you draw into MLD. ETC...
July 26, 2018 8:27 a.m.