"My" Top 10 mono black cards 6 cmc and higher
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on May 24, 2017, 3:01 a.m. by griffstick
Ok so Josh and Jimmy from the command zone made an episode of top 10 black and top 10 green very recently. Here's the link to the episode, click here. I want to make a similar list with a twist, using only cards with cmc 6 or greater to make this list. (Excluding cards with X in it's cost, "X" doesn't count here). If this is successful I will do every mono color for cards 6 cmc or greater. Btw I'm not bashing the command zone at all I'm a huge fan. (This list will be budget as well) no cards over 20$ US dollars... maybe
So here goes "my" top 10 mono black edh cards with total cmc 6 or greater. With 1 being the best.
: Dread
All the rest after the are honorable mentions
Every card mentioned above in the top ten are based off my gameplay exp in my kitchen table metta.
I want everyone's feed back on the order, and what cards you think should make the list, and cards I missed.
I dont think Army of the Damned is any good. BUT I DO KNOW ITS THE FUNNEST SHIT EVER.
a littlebit of reasoning would make this list funner tho =P
May 24, 2017 5:17 a.m.
Volrath the Fallen be afraid of this man and his evil doings :(
May 24, 2017 4 p.m.
I HATE Sorin Markov. Just about every time that rat bastard hits the field, I end up with 10 life. Reminds me about how salty I am about Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite too. She always screws my decks over something awful.
That being said, they are both great cards.
May 24, 2017 4:26 p.m.
griffstick says... #9
10 mana Ashnod's Altar + Army of the Damned then Exsanguinate for 24 loss of life to each opponent gaining you tons of life. That's just one reason why Army of the Damned is on my top ten. Army of the Damned + Demon of Death's Gate that's another good one. Army of the Damned + Voldaren Pariah that's a good one. But I can keep on going. This is why it's on the list
May 31, 2017 3:46 p.m.
griffstick says... #10
Grave Titan was on the list at first. But maybe could go back on. The same could be said for Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
May 31, 2017 3:48 p.m.
griffstick says... #11
Ever After is pretty cool but not game breaking enough to be on the list. Unless you really have it set up! I also considered Ever After.
AlexoBn says... #2
Best card:
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
Got mine for 8,50 -> ordered the Mike budget deck 2 years ago (was on tappedout and the reason I fell in love with black)You can make him work as 75% combo deck but also use him in Jarad, Savra or any reanimator deck. He will always perform
May 24, 2017 3:38 a.m.