Well since it is all out....
Commander (EDH) forum
Posted on Aug. 11, 2017, 4:43 p.m. by DrukenReaps
The C17 decklists are here
I rather like a lot of what they did. I'll be picking up all 4 but most likely brake them down for pieces to put in other decks. I do think those eminence abilities will be easy to underestimate and the wizard one seems really broken compared to the others.
What are all your thoughts? Anything you are really looking forward to?
I'm honestly disappointed.
Except for cat deck, it's the worst manabase i've seen in a while. This deck has everything needed vor a nice voltron, except that the commander doesn't want you to play Voltron.
I like the idea of the Wizard commander, it can be very tricky combined with Deadeye Navigator and an ETB wizard, but I don't see any win-con for this deck as it's sold.
Vampire deck seems really nice, just add a little more recursion, token doublers and chathar crusade, but I bought Atraxa last year, so I've already got a token deck.
Maybe the dragon deck is the slowest, and maybe the most enjoyable due to the big sinergy in the great part of the cards. Maybe playing it with the Scion as commander will resoult very funny.
Above all, in this moment I don't know if I will buy anyone of them.
August 11, 2017 7:26 p.m.
Winterblast says... #4
mr_lag out of the box all preconstructed decks are basically crap. What you have to look at are the new cards and how they can be abused in the format. The strategies that come with the decks are usually not how you would like to play the best of the included cards.
We can't expect wizards to print a really good commander deck for a retail price of 25$, can we? Just enjoy the reprints and start brewing with the new cards, don't expect the decks to be any good as they are in the box.
August 11, 2017 7:56 p.m.
Really looking forward to caging up Nevinyrral's Disk and Time Sieve with Mairsil, the Pretender. Otherwise the decks seem like a step back from last year's products. The only singles I ordered were Edgar Markov, Hammer of Nazahn and Kindred Boon. I think Ramos is good too but not my cup of tea. I think after looking through the list there's just not anything else powerful enough to shake up the format the way Thrasios/Vial Smasher, Atraxa and Breya did last year.
August 11, 2017 8 p.m.
I will be getting the Wizard deck.
The Vampires are primarily tokens and combat damage, which are win-cons i find boring, and its not doing either one in a particularly interesting way.
The Dragons seem like fun, but it seems to easily stopped with a bit of control due to its high end curve. That being said, if I wanted a full out, semi-casual tribal deck, the Dragon one would be the best
Cats are meh. Again, it's either combat damage or equipment, the former boring (though that eminence its silly powerful) and the latter expensive
The Wizards though seem like they have the most room to grow. The other decks pretty come already playing to their strengths, and what you get is pretty much all it will ever be. Not to say the decks are perfect, what I'm saying is you're not really going to change up the strategy of any of them. The Wizards deck can do so much, vastly varying with each Grixis commander. I'm already hoping to make either an ETB deck or the Tim Tap deck out of it.
That being said, I do think the Wizards deck looks the weakest out of all of the decks out of the box. It lacks a concrete wincon outside of the "Tap 5 Wizards: Deal 7", which is slow to get to and difficult to maintain.
August 11, 2017 8 p.m.
The new art on Apprentice Necromancer is awesome too imo...
August 11, 2017 8:16 p.m.
landofMordor says... #8
I'm actually seriously contemplating Cats... there's some seriously spicy tech in there (Grasslands, anybody?), at least for a filthy casual like me, and I've actually never dipped into tribal commander decks before because I couldn't find any to match my playstyle that weren't ludicrously expensive.
I think I'll be taking out some of the Equipment subtheme of the precon and adding in my lone Rest in Peace along with some similarly hateful Enchantments in order to take it a little more hatebear-y, but I'll otherwise keep the win condition of beating face with a huge Cat whose power is doubled by Arahbo. By the way, anybody got any clues on Arahbo's lore?
Uh, Winterblast, who are you buying from, because the lowest price I've seen is 40 USD...hook me up with your seller! (;
August 11, 2017 8:58 p.m.
SteelSentry says... #9
If the dragon deck leaned a little more into green, you could get a nice ramp package, which I think I may do (and upgrade the mana base, which is just a bunch of tap lands and some basics).
landofMordor The MSRP is cheaper than places online, so I would try physical stores that are more likely to follow that
August 11, 2017 9:59 p.m.
Starcity has them at 29 but shipping is 10 bucks. I still went with them because the singles are pretty fairly priced and I don't want to run all over looking for the deck I want. I tried Target, Walmart etc. last year and missed out on Atraxa because of it selling out so fast and LGS here had it for 45 ar release :/
August 11, 2017 10:23 p.m.
The wizard deck is cool, I guess...
My problem is that I don't like tribal, and the Commanders themselves are kinda "whatever" because most of them are tribe dependent.
August 12, 2017 12:47 a.m.
SteelSentry says... #12
DudelRok The headline commanders maybe, but the alternate commanders in the Vamp and Wizard decks are dope, and there are a bunch of great dragons you can build a deck for. The legends in the wizard deck especially are making waves even in competitive EDH. Not saying you should get the deck, but there are some amazing singles in these decks.
August 12, 2017 1:15 a.m.
Getting Vampires, while the rest of my group gets the other decks.
I was already building a mono black Vampire deck and Mardu combat reanimator deck, so I have cards to add this this vampire deck to increase it's flavor and strength.
August 12, 2017 1:54 a.m.
SteelSentry A lot of the "sub commanders" are still pretty tribe heavy, as is a lot of the toys in the decks. The Wizard deck, less so, which is why is the most interesting.
I'm just sad that this time around I don't see a single card that speaks to me. The Wizard deck makes me go "Hmm..." but not "Ah-ha!"
...as much sense as that makes. XD
August 12, 2017 2:12 a.m.
DrukenReaps says... #15
DudelRok Just the legends that are not tribal specific: Kess Dissident Mage, Licia Sanguine Tribune, Mairsil the Pretender, Mathas Fiend Seeker, Mirri Weatherlight Duelist, O-Kagachi Vengeful Kami, Nazahn Revered Bladesmith, Marchesa the Black Rose.
Playing any of those doesn't change the colors of the deck they come in. Really the only tribal legends are dragons and the face of each deck and after counting I found 50 tribe specific cards in the entire set the rest don't need a tribe to function.
I don't know why you don't like tribal but if you really take a look you will find plenty of things that don't need a tribe. Many of these I would likely build a different deck for but they are precons so they suck compared to a decent non-precon.
August 12, 2017 3:08 a.m.
Winterblast says... #16
landofMordor I bought the whole set for 90 Euro including shipping from a seller on magiccardmarket. Our LGS sold the decks last year for prices between 20 or 25 and 35 Euro.
With all the tribe cards we should not forget that there is a 3 mana enchantment in Ixalan that makes all your creatures on the board as well as all creatures anywhere else and even slells a creature type of your choice. It's pretty easy to include important creatures that don't fit the tribe, if there's a tribe fixer like that.
August 12, 2017 4:57 a.m.
DrukenReaps says... #17
Winterblast In case you are unaware of it we have Conspiracy. Though 3 mana is definitely better than 5.
August 12, 2017 5:25 a.m.
Winterblast says... #18
Bhaal666 sure I know, it's just that with 5 mana and BB it's basically unplayable and with 2U it could actually be worth a slot.
August 12, 2017 5:35 a.m.
Baran is a pretty sweet cat - probably will team up with Sram (I think), Mirri is pretty sweet - The equipment sub-theme is nice if you already enjoy voltron/equip heavy decks... Just trying to say that some of those cat sub-commanders can be pretty useful outside of tribal cat theme (still kindof pigeonholed into equipment/voltron theme though)
August 12, 2017 11:07 a.m.
Yes! A good starting point for me to create a dragon deck! With synergy! Step 1, tear it apart and add Control elements.
Out of the box, these are meant to appeal to newer players, or players new to the format.Keep that in mind. For more established EDH players, these are meant to give new resources and reprints for us to work with. That said, I encourage you to judge individual cards, not overall decks that they release. Just my two cents.
Also, I think my LGS sells them for $35, so $25 is still a good deal
Winterblast says... #2
As I've thought, the cards I need anyway are spread among all 4 decks so the decision to buy all was good. I don't think I will build any new deck, simply because I already have enough and I don't have any more mana artifacts to power more decks than I already have. I'll build my Brimaz deck as GW aggro with the new cat commander and go for a fast hatebears beatdown strategy.
Maybe I can build a wizards deck with so much global artifact hate that I don't need to buy any more mana crypts and moxen and stuff. Would certainly be interesting but I'm not sure if this wizard precon provides all the wizards I need to have even a slight chance of winning...I think my collection of wizards is too weak because I never cared for that "tribe" in the past.
I probably won't need any of the dragons that are not good on their own, outside a tribal deck, but I'm sure they can be sold easily enough
August 11, 2017 5:30 p.m.