Werewolf flavor

Commander (EDH) forum

Posted on Sept. 11, 2021, 10:43 a.m. by griffstick

I have loved the Werewolf tribe since I started playing the game. Infact one of the first casual decks I built was Werewolf tribal. It was fun but sucked.

Anyway that's not why I'm here. I'm here to tell you guys about a card that most of you guys my not know about because it's not that good but it's so flavorful especially for Werewolf tribal players who are building.

That card is Alpha Brawl. I've loved this card for so long. It's just so cool.

The card seems like it would be OK in a dinosaur tribal, if cast one a 1/1 or something, and it has a lot of synergy with Brash Taunter. But other than that it seems really expensive

September 11, 2021 11:29 a.m.

Oh wait, it's opponent controls

September 11, 2021 11:30 a.m.

griffstick says... #4

Yea this wipes out the player who's ahead. But more so if you are playing a Werewolf tribal deck and you want to add a board wipe and stay on flavor this is a solid choice.

September 11, 2021 1:03 p.m. Edited.

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