What would you change (if anything) to the rules of EDH?

Commander (EDH) forum

Posted on June 27, 2020, 12:25 a.m. by SynergyBuild

Assuming no backlash or community outrage or any publicity issues/people leaving the format, what would you add or remove to the rules to make it better in your own opinion?

Many people would drop the banlist, add more to it, and for those discussions, check out http://tappedout.net/mtg-forum/commander/what-cards-deserve-to-be-unbanned/ and http://tappedout.net/mtg-forum/commander/what-cards-deserve-to-be-banned/ respectively.

For those wanting other changes, like dropping the commander damage or adding changes to color identity/hybrid mana or whatever else, please feel free to add your ideas below!

RNR_Gaming says... #2

You're now required to have a full conversation before you start a game. You must disclose your intent and the jest of your game plan. Your opponents must all sign consent forms.

Casuals are barred from tournments with paid entry and prize support.

June 27, 2020 1:46 a.m.

Aztraeuz says... #3


Haha, change Infect to 20. If you want to completely remove a deck style from being able to play I guess. Infect at 10 is still hard to pull off.

I know I'm not being constructive but TappedOut doesn't have a downvote feature.

The rest of your requested changes are usually allowed by casual playgroups. I'm not sure why we need official rules stating such things.

Like who says you can't change cards in your deck between games? EDH is best of 1. Your deck isn't tracked between games. Swap some cards out, no biggy. Your sideboard in EDH is your entire collection.

Most people will let you play Planeswalkers as Commanders. I messed around with a Genju of the Realm deck before. We even used a special rule that the Land doing damage was doing Commander damage if Genju was attached.

This is a casual format, do whatever you want, most people won't care.

June 27, 2020 1:55 a.m.

Caerwyn says... #4

I would like to see the RC implement "Banned as Commander" and "Banned as Companion" lists. I think there are legendary creatures that would be fine in the 99 and Lutri would be fine as either a commander or in the 99. These lists would not be used for every legendary creature--Griselbrand, for example, probably needs to stay banned.

I think it would be a fun change that opens up some more deckbuilding options, without being too complicated or game-breaking.

June 27, 2020 2:01 a.m.

TonyStark9001 says... #5

Griselbrand and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and probably a few others should be unbanned.

commander damage shouldn't exist. in a 4 person game, that's basically 4 total separate damage/life counters each person has to use. the first being their actual life total, and the other 3 being the damage dealt by each opponents commander. i already use 2 life counters in modern because people try to cheat, so i don't want to use 16 in a 4 person commander game.

i can definitely agree with planeswalkers as commanders since most wouldn't even be good. the most amount of colors in any planeswalker is 3, and i myself strongly prefer a 5c deck to open up as many options as possible.

banned as commander is another reasonable change. sure Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary is a bit nuts as a commander (enough so that i would run mono green in a heartbeat since its my favorite color, despite my aforementioned preference to 5c decks) but in the 99 its not really a big deal.

June 27, 2020 3:13 a.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #6

TonyStark9001 Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary is still insane in the 99. He fits into every green deck I'd love to have him back. With the power creep going on maybe he'll be freed.

June 27, 2020 3:19 a.m.

TonyStark9001 says... #7

RNR_Gaming: the power creep is actually even more reason to keep him banned. rofellos alone ramps you to a turn 3 Elder Gargaroth or Carnage Tyrant. but even without power creep he'd never be unbanned unless "banned as a commander" was added. rofellos would still be good in 99, but idk about "insane". adding more colors makes him weaker because you'll have less forests.

June 27, 2020 3:27 a.m.

Aztraeuz says... #8

You can easily run cards like Prismatic Omen to break Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary in any deck.

June 27, 2020 4:12 a.m.

TonyStark9001 says... #9

Aztraeuz not really "any" deck. its a neat combo, but you have to draw and control both before either gets removed. even then, rofellos still only adds green mana. not sure what you're trying to argue anyway. rofellos is objectively much better as a commander than in the 99.

June 27, 2020 4:16 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #10

Hybrid mana symbols would be the intended or instead of and for color identity. That's it, I love the format.

June 27, 2020 5:03 a.m.

StopShot says... #11

1.) Maximum hand size is increased to 8.

2.) Whenever you play your first land on your turn, draw a card.

3.) You may use a second or third color if your commander’s color identity has less than three colors. For each extra color London mulligan that many cards from your starting hand.

4.) Contamination and Infernal Darkness are banned.

5.) All instances of “fear” and “intimidate” are errata’d and replaced with skulk.

6.) Enchant creature auras can enchant equipment. Equipping a creature also provides the aura’s effects. You must also pay the mana cost of each aura in addition to the equip cost to equip a creature.

I’m serious about rules 3 and 4. The rest aren’t meant to be taken too seriously.

June 27, 2020 5:11 a.m.

RambIe says... #12

Not shocking how i feel about this one

I would ban all mechanics from the game that alter the probabilities of your hand & deck before the game has begun.
then second I would unban all cards in the format.

June 27, 2020 7:24 a.m.

shadow63 says... #13

Ramble so you would ban cards then unban them?

June 27, 2020 8:20 a.m.

shadow63 says... #14

I would allow wish cards. As long as the you have the cards readily available

June 27, 2020 8:23 a.m.

dbpunk says... #15

I would honestly make it so that all companion text is Lurris text. That and unban Emrakul.

The first is because I think its unfair that Dual Otter Mage was banned preemptively, but the second is that the challenge of building any of those cards as companions just weakens your deck most of the time without enough benefit coming in.

As for the second change, its mostly a joke. But if someone actually does manage to get emrakul out, I have 15 squirrels waiting for them.

June 27, 2020 8:23 a.m.

RambIe says... #16

I would not ban cards, I would ban mechanics
Take Mastermind's Acquisition for example
Side board has no place in EDH (IMO) there for i would ban wishing
However you could still play Mastermind's Acquisition in your deck and use it as a tutor.

June 27, 2020 10:01 a.m.

Gleeock says... #17

Interesting, Nothing mind blowing from me: - For competitions & events (when prizes are on the line) adopt optional metagame conditions (process-driven). This way you could truly join a "casual" event vs a "competitive" event for Commander. Metagames & point systems have led to some great games when implemented well... In a nutshell, provide different incentives beyond just winning.

  • Develop some sort of player-driven feedback engine that tabulates the most lopsided cards in the game (maybe like a more data-based saltscore?) & THEN instead of banning those, use this engine to influence the printing of interaction & punishers. I believe there are few things in the game that cannot be addressed over time by simply printing useful interaction & punishers & once a reasonable volume of these are printed, cards are no longer unfair 'boogeymen'

  • This is more controversial BUT!! Lifelink should not provide more life than either a creaturess toughness, or life total, or planeswalker's loyalty total allow. Similar to how lifelink does nothing when a blocking creature suddenly sacs. Sure trample should have overflow, but to me lifelink should not reward more than the available life-pool allows. For eg. a 2/2 chump-blocker against 10/10 lifelink only nets you 2 life unless you have trample-link

June 27, 2020 11:22 a.m.

RambIe says... #18

I was thinking about wish cards more

Current rules states that exile is a state in the game
how ever originally exile was "remove from the game"
therefor i would allow wishing to grab face up cards in exile.

June 27, 2020 11:29 a.m.

mn6334 says... #19

Ramble Karn, the Great Creator does that with his minus ability so that would make sense.

June 27, 2020 12:31 p.m.

mn6334 says... #20

I'm not sure I linked the correct user there and I don't know how to fix it...

June 27, 2020 12:33 p.m.

RambIe says... #21

Its actualy rambie

(tmi) A nickname given to me by my wife because "I am an Aries and headbutt everything"
I caps the i to look like Ramble because that's all i do on these forums.

June 27, 2020 12:49 p.m.

The only change I’d make: a legendary vehicle can be your commander (maybe that’s only the Weatherlight but I really want it as my commander :D)

June 27, 2020 1:09 p.m.

TonyStark9001 says... #23

Last_Laugh: what do you mean about the color identity?

June 27, 2020 1:13 p.m.

RambIe says... #24


I would get on board with that !

June 27, 2020 1:19 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #25

TonyStark9001 WotC's intention with hybrid mana is that it could be either color but EDH rules force hybrid mana to be both colors. I.e. Fulminator Mage has to be played with a Commander who has both black AND red instead of being able to go in black OR red as WotC intended.

June 27, 2020 3:46 p.m.

Dromar39 says... #26

I think commander rules are fine. Work well and are easy to understand. Cards that are banned deserve to be banned. Commander damage isn't hurting the format.

June 27, 2020 4:46 p.m.

I would love to have an aura that reads: you may begin the game by enchanting a nonlegendary creature you control outside of the game. That creature is your commander. When ~ becomes attached to a creature, shuffle your commander into your library, and it ceases to be your commander. Equip- Pay 10 life (idk what seems fair).

Having a card like this would make playing nonlegendary creatures as your commander a difficult decision, as starting at a far lower lifetotal than your opponents can be a deciding factor in the game. But being able to run random commons as your commander would be so wacky and fun! Imagine sitting down and your opponent says “hey, I’m playing a Vernadi Shieldmate deck”. That’d be a trip

June 27, 2020 4:55 p.m.

Overhaul banlist, removing many of the cards and putting others on banned as commander or as companion. 30 life. 21 cumulative commander damage. Change deckbuilding restrictions to allow hybrid to work in mono color.

June 27, 2020 9:03 p.m.

golgarigirl says... #29

I need a sideboard. NEED.

I want the Wishes to work, and I want to be able to stop running Thief of Blood main board so I can get back to playing real cards!

June 27, 2020 11:11 p.m.

mn6334 says... #30

I really like the sound of cumulative commander damage. Removes the hassle of keeping track of different numbers for each commander while not removing it as a strategy to win. Sometimes commander damage might be your only path to victory if you play against heavy lifegain decks.

June 28, 2020 3:42 p.m.

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