Custom Cards MTG Forum
Dredged Card #4 - April 12, 2016 (Closed)
Ramp prevention - Raging Wildfires (Closed)
Dredged Card #3 - April 11, 2016 (Closed)
Ideas for musician cards (Closed)
Cabal Initiate (Closed)
Hellfire Demon (Closed)
Fiery Retribution (Closed)
Dredged Card #2 - April 10, 2016 (Closed)
Dredged Card #1 - April 9, 2016 (Closed)
Legendary Homunculus? (Closed)
Defender of the Heart (Closed)
A replacement for Path in Modern (Closed)
another 0 cost cycle (Closed)
Fart (Closed)
Cards for custom cube (Closed)
weird land ideas (Closed)
Why no 1-drop mana rocks? (Closed)
A hidea, Encantment Cantrips; U/W (Closed)
Idea for 2 cards. (Closed)
RG removal spell (Closed)
new weird mechanic idea (Closed)
Balancing Tarmogoyf (Closed)
Eldrazi Archenemy, any ideas? (Closed)
Custom Powered Cube (Closed)
green/red counters but not really? (Closed)
Illusory Siege (Closed)
Wizards Proxy/Counterfiet Policy (Closed)
Hydra: Planeswalker (Closed)
Testing New Mechanic: Knowledge (Closed)
White Legendary (Help please :) (Closed)
Help with magic set editor (Closed)
Lets Brainstorm a Jeskai Legend! (Closed)
I need this to be a thing. (Closed)
Broken Cards (Closed)
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