Custom Cards MTG Forum
Bruce Banner // The Hulk (Closed)
Idea: Custom Community Cube (Closed)
Srathalia, take 2 (Closed)
Erisa, Teller of Fate (Closed)
pbphthp (Closed)
Belanon and Ikari (Closed)
Leyline of Dissipation? (Closed)
Martian Manhunter (Closed)
Batman (Closed)
The Flash (Closed)
Green Lantern (Closed)
Superman (Closed)
Nervous Breakdown (Closed)
cards i think would be fun (Closed)
Extra Turn Idea (Closed)
idea as always. (Closed)
Anti Color Pie Generals (Closed)
Scavenging Ooze Variant (Closed)
4 Color General Challenge (Closed)
4 Color Generals (Closed)
Mechanic Design - Behold (Closed)
Treasure Cruise Jr.? (Closed)
Time of death (Closed)
EDH General: The Forgotten Soul (Closed)
Emperion Cycle (Closed)
Askeio Incarnate (Closed)
Slivers and stuff (Closed)
Dork's Revenge (Closed)
Green Graveyard Card (Closed)
Strength Tax (Closed)
A very strange card (Closed)
Explosive Research (Closed)
Ability-removing mechanic (Closed)
zombie walker? (Closed)
Doctor Who MTG (Closed)
This looks so innocent.... (Closed)
In honor of his Tenth Anniversary (Closed)
Time to Rearrange the Stack! (Closed)
Peacemonger (Closed)
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