Custom Cards MTG Forum
Urza, the Blind Seer (Closed)
Help me make a cube! (Closed)
Dragonlord Nekusar (Closed)
An idea I never published. (Closed)
New [[U]]/[[B]]/x Commanders (Closed)
New Jaeger Planeswalker (Closed)
Are these possible cards? (Closed)
Which One is the Best (Closed)
Umrain, Soul Guardian (Closed)
Random Legendaries (Closed)
I Made Myslef. (Closed)
Jaeger Planeswalker (Closed)
Edwin Black's Army (Closed)
zGGRT! (Closed)
Game of Thrones MTG Set (Closed)
legendary clone? (Closed)
The Ocean's Child - Help appreciated (Closed)
Mage Tax (Closed)
Is this an OK card? (Closed)
The Gateless Movement (Closed)
in light of that new tuck rule (Closed)
Some Lands (Closed)
Vintage Designed Cards-Community (Closed)
Cycle of Lands (Closed)
Deck thinning lands? (Closed)
The first of many (I hope) (Closed)
magic set editor for mac? (Closed)
Would you play this/ is it too good? (Closed)
Custom Command cycle thoughts (Closed)
Legitimate abilities? (Closed)
Two more ideas (Closed)
why? (Closed)
New Ability - Engorge (Closed)
Circle of Resurrection (Closed)
Necromantic Pact (Closed)
Taigam (Closed)
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