Custom Cards MTG Forum
New mechanic (Closed)
Legendary Creature Cycle (Closed)
Community Design a Set Project (Closed)
No shame left (Closed)
Happy Birthday X! (Closed)
Parody card is parodies. (Closed)
Cycle of fun spells (WIP) (Closed)
Super Weird Legendary Land (Closed)
Trapmaker Ascension. (Closed)
Time is futile... but not with her. (Closed)
how does this fit in? (Closed)
The Eldrazi meet Phyrexian Oil (Closed)
Surprisingly designable (Closed)
Little Idea (is it balanced/cool?) (Closed)
Weird Legendary Land Cycle: Card #1 (Closed)
Is this too powerful? (Closed)
Thoughts on a card for custom set? (Closed)
The gods have a headache (Closed)
new card ideas (Closed)
Will of the Council cycle? (Closed)
RTR "Decree" cycle? (Closed)
Sisay, Caller of Comrades (Closed)
Custom Tutor card (Closed)
The Videoboabwaedivuff! (Closed)
Planeswalker Cycle (Closed)
Allons-y! Dimir and Mardu Walkers (Closed)
more odd ideas (Closed)
More Keyword Feedback! (Closed)
i have weird ideas (Closed)
This shouldn't be here.... (Closed)
Not bad (Closed)
Custom Planeswalker (Closed)
Too Strong? (Closed)
Helsing cycle (Closed)
What to call this card... (Closed)
In honor of Zendikar (Closed)
Kill ALL the Hydras. (Closed)
My cynical twin - Advice appreciated (Closed)
Sarkhan! (Closed)
New Esper Commander V2 (Closed)
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