cards i think would be fun
Custom Cards forum
Posted on May 27, 2015, 8:55 a.m. by Frimbleglim
heckling adept mana cost: U creature human wizard 1/1 Rules text: when heckling adept enters the battlefeild return target creature to its owners hand. Flavour text: But archmage earlier you said... Rareity: common
sanguine ritual. instant mana cost BB. Rules text: as an additional cost to cast sangine ritual pay any amount of life. add B to your mana pool for every 2 life spent to play sanguine ritual. Rareity: rare
Irritated Instructor: UU creature human wizard 2/2 Rules text Flash. when irritated instructor enters the battlefeild return all creatures named heckling adept to their owners hand. Flavour text: silence! as i was saying... rareity: uncommon
Cobthecobbler says... #3
Heckling Adept
Creature - Human Wizard - Common
When ~ enters the battlefield, return target creature to its owners hand.
"But archmage, earlier you said..."
Sanguine Ritual
Instant - Rare
As an additional cost to cast ~, pay any amount of life. Add to for mana pool for every 2 life spent this way.
Irritated Instructor:
Creature - Human Wizard - Uncommon
When ~ enters the battlefield, return all creatures named Heckling Adept to their owners hand.
"Silence! I was saying..."
Try to format your posts so they're easy to read. There's a reason we have a fancy new editor, it would be a shame if people just let it go to waste all the time.
As for the cards, here's the thing. Sidisi's Faithful is already a card. And its less powerful (or more, depending on how you look at it) than your Adept. The card was given Exploit as a way to restrict it a bit, so your card should probably be if you want to keep it as is.
The ritual is hands down broken in EDH, and is not a balanced card whatsoever. (see: Channel)
And Finally, I'd make the instructor and take off flash. The effect isn't all too powerful (considering if your opponent happens to have one or two out, they get to bounce something else, and you'd still have to pay 2 more mana in the same turn to get any immediate value off of bouncing your own). At this mana cost, it feels more like an uncommon, too.
EDIT: fuckin' ninja'd
May 27, 2015 9:19 a.m. Edited.
Frimbleglim says... #4
I dont think the adept or instructor are too powerful as is. they are still too poor for standard let alone eternal formats but would be interesting in limited.
the ritual would obviosly need banning in edh. the 2 should be a 3 as well sorry my bad. so 6 mana turn 2. I dont think its too good then. it does leave you on 2 life so you could be killed by a shock. also all the mana is black so no counterspells or combos could be assembled in standard with it.
May 27, 2015 4:53 p.m.
Adept is very good. Ritual is broken. Instructor is terrible except for in a deck built around it.
Phitt says... #2
Heckling Adept is too powerful for 1 mana. You play a creature and remove your opponents turn 1 creature without any drawback. That's not balanced. Other creatures with a similar effect have 3 cmc, I think it should cost at least UU.
Sanguine Ritual would be a weaker version of Channel, but it would still be far too powerful - 9 mana on turn 2 should only be possible in Vintage or as part of a (rather hard to get) combo.
Irritated Instructor is a nice idea. Not sure what to think of it though, without Heckling Adept's adjusted mana cost it would certainly be too powerful and even with 2 cmc Adepts it could be abused preventing your enemy from getting any creatures on board. Maybe remove flash and increase it to 1UU casting cost at least.
May 27, 2015 9:11 a.m.