Custom Card League
Custom Cards forum
Posted on Oct. 16, 2019, 4:25 a.m. by Falcoshin
It's one thing to think of custom cards, but it's an entirely different thing to actually play with them. Would anyone here be interested in creating a custom set of cards thought up here and playing with them on Cockatrice?
Funkydiscogod While one of the biggest reasons people don't make common cards is because they're usually very bland and uninteresting, that end result also leads into an even bigger reason why people don't like designing common cards: Common cards are actually the hardest cards to design. You have to not just be VERY restrictive in the power you give them, but there are guidelines Wizards uses when judging how complex a common card is. I remember MaRo talking about it right around M10 and, while I'd love to find the document so people can use it as a reference for thinking up commons, I'm not sure where to look (I don't even remember the name MaRo gave his policy).
Falcoshin says... #2
A set probably wouldn't work since most people don't want to design common cards. My thought was designing cards to supplement the current Standard or whatever format.
October 16, 2019 10:09 a.m.