brandonplaysmagic says... #3
Now this is an Abzan commander I would TOTALLY build in a second.
October 17, 2021 12:36 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #5
I just realized that, one, Witchdoctor is actually spelled as two words; Witch Doctor. And two, Witch Doctors are actually healers who ward against evil magical and spirits.
So not unlike a Paladin or Cleric, but more toward a magical end and not a physical one. So Droven actually would not be a Witch Doctor as he / she is using said evil magic with malicious intent, rather than working toward a means to stop it.
Unless, of course, Droven has a twisted sense of self and purpose, believing themselves to be doing "good" by enacting evil. For example, giving "life" back to the victims of death to fight off greater evils.
A necessary means to an end, as it were.
Necrosis24 says... #2
Really cool card I love the idea of an abzan zombie elf deck. Especially with the recent elf support in golgari. You can run mana dorks with Altar of the Brood to mill and use your dorks to steal some creatures thus milling more.
October 17, 2021 3:12 a.m.