Help Fleshing Out a Plane
Custom Cards forum
Posted on May 9, 2020, 6:58 p.m. by ZendikariWol
So, I've got this concept for a world set in the enemy colors (I could be convinced to go into arcs or wedges) that centers around five dungeons (I could be convinced to make it a different number).
The dungeons are this plane's foremost feature, so I want this built around those. The problem is that I don't have much else. Note that all of this is subject to change if you've got something compelling but here's where I am so far.
The Wr dungeon is artifact-centered. Its characteristic race is Kor, and the dungeon is full of weapon masters and elaborate traps and stonework.
The Ug dungeon is deep in an underwater cavern. Its characteristic race is merfolk, and it's full of massive sea monsters, lurking in the unknowable depths. The shallows are submerged to an average humanoid's knee, and the depths? Who's to say?
The Bw dungeon is a temple. Its characteristic race is spirits, but shades, thrulls, and other undead all serve demon overlords.
The Ru dungeon is a palace in the skies, filled with elementals and lightning mages. Elementals are, obviously, the characteristic race of the place.
The Gb dungeon is a verdant marsh, where the dead fuel the living. Naga are the characteristic race there, and gorgons take on a more monstrous role than is typical for them.
Couple problems: I don't see much mechanical overlap between the dungeons, I would like a more original idea for GB, and I need a storyline.
DrukenReaps says... #3
This feels like a DnD pitch but I'm not sure. More information would go a long ways towards us being able to help :)
May 9, 2020 7:54 p.m.
This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum (auto-generated comment)
May 9, 2020 8:03 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #6
Ok, so I have a couple of ideas here:
For the overall story: You could make it so that the dungeons have to be "beaten" to gain access to some great powers. You could implement the beating of a dungeon by each of them having a boss monster that grants some big effect when it dies (comparable to Grothama, All-Devouring). They could even give a player some kind of emblem.
For the BG dungeon: Maybe instead of Naga and Gorgons, how about mole creatures as the characteristic creature type and wurms as the fatties? This way, the dungeon could be a tunnel dug by its inhabitants. This has some serious Golgari vibe to it while still being unique.
May 10, 2020 8:52 a.m.
ZendikariWol says... #7
(really? custom cards?? I guess.)
Okay, but if the dungeons are supposed to be cleared then they're essentially an impermanent facet of the landscape. What do I do about that?
Maybe if you beat the dungeon, you are adopted into it rather than leaving victorious? Maybe the dungeons are impossible to beat? Maybe everyone assumes they can't be beaten- it would take an army?
Either way, as to the GB one, that's really interesting. I do like the vibe of it just being a massive tunnel. Now to conceive a race of subterranean monster-people!
May 10, 2020 11:48 a.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #8
I don't understand the meaning of your bracketed comment.
That's a point I missed. I just realized it's hard for me to grasp the concept behind the dungeons. Could you explain a little more precise how you define "dunngeon"?
May 10, 2020 12:26 p.m.
The Speculation subforum is for discussing upcoming products or expected upcoming products, not making your own products. Hence the move.
Here’s an idea I think would work:
In ancient times, the five continents built great dungeons down to a central arena. Heroes would fight their way through the dungeons, and then, having proven their worth, would participate in great games in the Arena, facing off against monsters and contestants from the other dungeons. Basically, they were the Olympic Games of this world, albeit the participants were those who could survive to the centre.
But the age of heroes ended, and the purpose of the dungeons fell out of memory. Each continent forgot about the others and eventually the games themselves. Now, people still explore, but never have all five factions had someone reach the bottom simultaneously, so no games have been held in memory. The few who do reach the bottom find a great room with four other, locked doors, and no way to open them.
The set would take place during the first time all five factions reach the centre. Ideally, you could do this in two sets - the first would be focused on each representative’s journey through their own dungeon; the second on the games themselves.
May 10, 2020 12:27 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #10
I should finish reading posts. I missed your second paragraph. I like the concept of being adopted into it after beating it.
May 10, 2020 12:28 p.m.
ZendikariWol says... #11
Ooh, that's a pretty sweet origin, Caerwyn. Maybe the people tried to bury the arenas (now dungeons) because they started growing out of control? Eventually, they successfully sealed them for some time, but what then? Has it devolved, by now, into legend? This is developing nicely! I think this is a two-set block where set 1 sets the stage, taking place largely in the dungeons, and set two is when the seals break and the dungeons stop being myths and become reality.
May 10, 2020 1:02 p.m.
ConstantVigilance says... #12
Wow this is really cool! You could also re-use 'escape' from THB, except instead of escaping from death, they're escaping from the endless horrors of their respective dungeon, maybe they're former contestants who got lost
I think it would be really cool if the dungeons granted a twisted form of immortality while in the dungeons
(bolded because it shouldn't be regular immortality)
Caerwyn says... #2
For what purpose would the plane be used? Custom set? D&D? Fan fiction?
May 9, 2020 7:45 p.m.