Kings of Arkeio - New Set [WIP]

Custom Cards forum

Posted on Sept. 30, 2015, 8:25 p.m. by xFyreFlyx

I have a custom set design in the works centered on the plane of Arkeio. Arkeio is one massive continent, arranged in a general 5-pointed star shape. Each point represents one of the 5 colors of mana. Each point of the star has a leyline running into the center of the continent. The center has a shrine called Arkus, which is a conflux of the colors. One of the key themes of this set is the "purity" of mana. At each point, the mana colors are completely pure, and the closer you get to the center, the more mixing of mana colors there are.

The central shrine is called Arkus, and it's a valley surrounded by 5 peaks. On each of these 5 peaks is the respective "King" of each color. Because these peaks are so near to the other leylines, they are mixed with the colors of mana to their sides.

The colors are arranged in the classic MTG star pattern, like this.

The Kings Show

The Leylines Show

Arkus Show

The main storyline is that the adventurers Tarragor and Khal (green and blue respectively, cards under development) ran into each other while at Sadra's citadel, where their meeting ignited each other's planeswalker spark. When Zoll and Raggar learned that the only two planeswalkers on Arkeio were in Sadra's realm, they conspired together to launch a coordinated attack and capture Tarragor and Khal. Zoll and Raggar each wanted to give themselves a spark. Israxel has been weighing the options of which side to join. He also wants to have a planeswalker spark, but knows that giving himself one is extremely difficult. Manrah is too unsophisticated to dally in the feud. Israxel eventually sides with Sadra, and they wage war against Zoll and Raggar.

The eventual conclusion will involve Malluk intervening, which has happened before when conflict arises on Arkeio, and banishing Khal and Tarragor from Arkeio so as not to cause destruction of the plane. None of the kings die, but they are all subdues by Malluk's power and peace is restored. For now.

As you can see, I have the lore developed, but need some help with card design and balance. I'm a much better story writer than I am card designer, and would like some community input on where to proceed.

klone13 says... #2


September 30, 2015 8:40 p.m.

zandl says... #3

All of the leylines save for the White one are broken.

September 30, 2015 8:52 p.m.

I'm inclined to say that Malluk is a bit weak. I would say take him down to a 8/8 and let him find two creatures CMC 4 or less. I'll reference Progenitus and Woodland Bellower. The Bellower gets one less creature at the same CMC, and Progenitus has a lower mana cost and higher P/T. By shifting the numbers around a little bit, you can get a little more bang for your buck. Even with less bodies, the extra CMC during your search can make your creatures much stronger.

September 30, 2015 8:53 p.m.

xFyreFlyx says... #5

zandl how so? When saying something like that please elaborate.

ABadMagicPlayer100 it puts them into the battlefield,s o it's basically paying 9 mana to get them and 3 for a 9/9 with protection from colors. If anything, I think it would be a little OP.

September 30, 2015 8:56 p.m.

@xFyreFlyx, it's not protection from colors, just colored spells. He can still be blocked which I think balances him.

September 30, 2015 9:01 p.m.

zandl says... #7

Blue one is a Counterspell lock, Black one is just busted, Red one is strong (maybe not broken), Green one is free Exploration on turn-0.

September 30, 2015 9:02 p.m.

I'd even say the white one is a bit strong. Considering that T0, T1 Champion of the Parish T2 Raise the Alarm swing for 4 lifelink with a 4/4 blocker. that's not even the nut draw. Giving black a huge card advantage engine long term is dangerous, and I'd say if you had to pay life for each one you brought back? Then it's cant go infinite and is less of a huge never ending value engine and more of a strong mid/late game card. Red one seems fine, Barrage of Expendables isn't busted, but for free it could be playable. Exploration is already insane, and one that lets you get an Elvish Mystic t1 in ADDITION to exploration, is busted. and yeah, blue is a Counterspell lock. the whole thing seems very interesting, some stuff (most, tbh) seems wildly broken, but the flavor and card ideas and lore is getting me excited, i really like it!

September 30, 2015 9:55 p.m.

-Fulcrum says... #9

Spoiler doesn't spoil anything for me. Do you have direct links?

October 1, 2015 12:35 a.m.

What was used to make these, and if it was done in MSE, what template is that?

October 1, 2015 9:49 a.m.

Boza says... #11

Tagging this for future comments later on, but there are a lot of issues, most of all is that I cannot find much difference between alara and this.

October 1, 2015 10:11 a.m.

Boza says... #12

Starting with the gripes nobody else mentioned - the story:

Most people who are on a plane cannot comprehend what a planeswalker is. Suddenly someone receiving the spark will not instantly garner them attention, because people to a plane cannot comprehend what this is.

Normally, protagonists in stories are defined by their actions, not their inaction. As you have worded it, the two adventureres/planeswalkers have as much to do with the story as the princess in Mario bros. aka nothing. "I am sorry huge Demon Tyrant, but your planeswalker is another castle".

Historically, ripping the spark out of someone has not worked out well (RIP Venser) and in other notable cases, it will not give said someone planeswalking abilities.

The hydra being disinterested is not a good way of incorporating him/her/it into the story.

"I'm a much better story writer than I am card designer" - you have overestimated at least one of those.

I could go on for a lot longer, but the gist is this:

You do not have enough nearly enough premise to go for a full set. If I were you, I would take this setting and make a commander precon out of each. You will need two new legendaries (you already have one), a reprint legendary, 15 new to Magic cards and 84 reprints of old cards. Much easier and does not require that much of a story

October 1, 2015 10:34 a.m. Edited.

Boza is correct about the planes walker thing, but perhaps it could be something like this?

After meeting, the two Planeswalkers travel the Multiverse, returning to Arkeio often. Every time they do, they introduce foreign concepts, upsetting the balance of Arkeio. This ignites a war, during which Israxel discovers the Planeswalkers as the source of the disruptions. He shares this with the other rulers, leading to a division, and the story can go on as planned.

October 3, 2015 2:52 p.m.

Kravian says... #14

InfiniteParadoX: Raise the Alarm makes soldiers, Champion of the Parish triggers on humans. I used to play it wrong also, but yeah, not as super op as you'd hoped.

October 7, 2015 2:34 p.m.

Kravian it doesn't need to be that specific card, i dont play with those cards so i wouldn't know, but it's just an example of how it can scale uncontrollably.

October 7, 2015 5:38 p.m.

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