Master Uzo Maroshi
Custom Cards forum
Posted on Oct. 26, 2021, 5:12 a.m. by TypicalTimmy
Slight rework from my submission for the custom card challenge, which was to make a Mardu Samurai.
- Reduced from 1/5 to 1/4.
- Remove all peace counters to exile, rather than just one
- Yes, any lethal damage counts; Not just combat damage. So yes, pinging with Pathway Arrows - with his deathtouch - can trigger the exile effect if you are willing to remove the peace counters.
TypicalTimmy says... #3
A honed deck might look at prisons, death and taxes and ping effects. Then you could play the politics card and make deals on not exiling someone's Commander for the 3rd time in a row.
He's really more of an attrition Commander. You win by grinding down others and waiting patiently.
Exactly the opposite of what Mardu wants - hence being Mythic.
October 26, 2021 5:22 a.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #4
This is a fascinating design. I actually don't think MV3 is too low. MV4 might be ok, but 5 seems too high. I mean, yes, he has two powerful value abilities, but he's very slow AND additionally depends on being attacked (when leaving aside Ping equipment).
October 26, 2021 5:36 a.m.
MV 4 I think would be fair, MV 3 seems powerful, but not broken.
What happens if it could attack? It would exile a blocker, or it would deal 1 damage to whatever it was attacking (assuming no other effects). The benefit here would be to draw cards while still harassing the opponent. So as long as you keep defender, 3 mana, in different colors, seems like a reasonable cost.
Also, does the name mean anything?
October 27, 2021 12:39 a.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #6
If he somehow lost Defender and could attack, first strike and deathtouch means he would kill anything he connects with. Then, yes if he had any peace counters on him you could remove them and exile the blocker.
Upkeep, because he didn't block (no vigilance or untap), you'd draw a card and put a peace counter back on him.
No, the name means nothing that I am aware of. Just a name I came up with.
October 27, 2021 1:38 a.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #7
So apparently Uzo means "Way, Road, Direction or Door" and Maroshi is one of the inhabited islands of the Shaviyani Atoll administrative division and geographically part of the Miladhummadulhu Atoll in the Maldives..
So, if we were to try and derive a meaning from his name, it would be something along the lines of the "the way to isolation", given that islands are quite isolated from anything else - inhabited or otherwise.
Ironically, this fits quite well. I designed Master Uzo Maroshi to be a recluse; drawing his blade only when absolutely necessary. A battle-bred warrior who retired for training and solidarity.
October 27, 2021 1:43 a.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #8
Wakestone Gargoyle would be pretty great in this deck, btw.
TypicalTimmy says... #2
Going to let this sit a day or so. I might increase the MV from 3 to 5.
He does have a ton of value on him. I think 5 is appropriate, but I wanted to see what it looked and felt like with 3, first.
Because, bare in mind that while first strike and deathtouch are an unbelievably powerful combination, they are nerfed very heavily with defender.
Then, because you can't block with him if you want that card advantage on your following upkeep, you need to sit through three rounds of combat (each opponent), who individually may want to test your stature. You almost invite combat, and that means lots of damage coming your way.
Then you get a card and a peace counter. Now you could, as I mentioned, ping for damage and exile a creature sure. But to even get there you have several hoops to jump through.
That's a lot to get through. And one card as a trade-off for having him be a sitting duck, putting his first strike and deathtouch to zero use?
There's a lot of downside with him, almost as much as his upside. That's why I think MV3 is fine.
Bare in mind I am analyzing him in a vacuum and not in a honed / perfected deck that would take advantage of ways to prevent attackers, enable pinging, etc.
October 26, 2021 5:14 a.m. Edited.