Need some help finding some cards with specific art!

Custom Cards forum

Posted on Dec. 16, 2015, 3:25 p.m. by RedUndead40

So, I'm planning on making some 3D Experience counter tokens for my Daxos the Returned and Meren of Clan Nel Toth decks.


So the idea is to have the outline stick out, and the back layer is going to be split into two halves representing the two colors of the deck.

What this means is that I need to find some specific cards with artwork that represent those colors. I need a card with something representing Black (Skeleton, Zombie, etc) but the creature needs to be in the right half or left half of the picture.

Same thing with white (spirits preferably) and green (plants, terrain, etc).

Anybody have any good ideas for a starting point?

MagicalHacker says... #2

I would actually prefer Zendikar full art basics as the backgrounds (and I get ocd about color order, so black must be on right for orzhov and on left for golgari).

That said, you could also do the best card of that color from the pre-con, so you could say Black Market is one half for example.

December 16, 2015 4:20 p.m.

RedUndead40 says... #3

I considered just doing some land art, and that may be what I end up doing, but I feel like it would be more flavorful to have more theme-specific art.

Also I prefer to avoid cutting somewhat pricey cards like Black Market, otherwise I'd be all over the Deathrite Shaman art.

These are what I'm considering at the moment unless someone else suggests a good card.

Daxos - Forsaken Drifters and Ghostblade Eidolon look good and both fit Daxos' Theros theme.

Meren - Dreg Mangler and Rot Farm Skeleton... both are Golgari specific instead of one black / one green, but they look alright. These are the ones I'm most unsure about.

December 16, 2015 4:39 p.m.

Ledian says... #4

i think you should go with Ghostblade Eidolon because the art looks pretty awesome!(And it has the enchantment art on it.)

and for Meren you should go Rot Farm Skeleton because it a skeleton looking over some bones.. kinda fits with Meren's abilities

December 16, 2015 4:56 p.m.

RedUndead40 says... #5

Well Ledian what I meant is I want to have two separate pictures for each half of the XP counter, so I don't have to choose just one. But yeah the Eidolon definitely fits well with Daxos.

I reeeeally wish the art on Life/Death was bigger! Both of those would fit Meren so well but the pictures are just a bit too small to fill up the counter...

December 16, 2015 5:12 p.m.

Ledian says... #6

Can you not enlarge it?

December 16, 2015 7:51 p.m.

RedUndead40 says... #7

Yeah, I suppose I could actually...

December 17, 2015 12:41 p.m.

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