New Cards with Convoke

Custom Cards forum

Posted on March 12, 2022, 10:46 a.m. by DemonDragonJ

I think that convoke is an excellent mechanic, and I hope that WotC continues to use it, on occasion, since the majority of decks use creatures, which means that using creatures, especially creature tokens, to pay for spells, is an awesome idea, and I have designed several news cards that use that mechanic.

Collective Aggression Show

Currently, there is only one card with convoke that deals damage, Stoke the Flames, so I have made another, and I designed it so that it could deal a variable amount of damage, thus rewarding a player who controls a greater number of creatures. I modeled this card most closely after Rolling Thunder, with an additional red mana in its cost, to mirror Chord of Calling, which has three green mana in its cost, and I also made it an instant, to make it more versatile.

Grand Festivities Show

A card with convoke that only gained a player life would be acceptable, but not amazing, so I decided to make a variant of Lightning Helix with that mechanic, which is very awesome, indeed. I gave the card one more red mana than white mana, to mirror March of the Multitudes, which has one more white mana than green mana. I originally named this card "joyous celebration," but I felt that "grand festivities" was more impressive and epic.

Courageous Convoker Show

Inspiring Statuary is an artifact that grants improvise to non-artifact spells, so it seemed only natural to make a creature that granted convoke to non-creature spells; I made the card both white and green, as those are the two colors that are most associated with convoke, and I gave it a hybrid mana cost, to make it more versatile. I also gave it, itself, convoke, as that made sense, since it definitely does not make sense that Inspiring Statuary does not have improvise. I did contemplate making this creature an elf, but I decided that elves are already a very powerful tribe, as they currently are, so they do not need another card to make them even more powerful.

What does everyone think about these cards? How well did I do with them?

shadow63 says... #2

Collective aggression seems pushed but depending on the format its for it determines the power level. Grand festivities seems pretty weak. Maybe make it X+1 or something. Courageous convoker might be broken. But it does compare to Cryptolith Rite so it's most likely fair

March 12, 2022 12:27 p.m.

Niko9 says... #3

Nice! I'd like to see how Courageous Convoker plays actually. It seems like it might be super good, but maybe good in a fun way. I just always really liked convoke in general. Creatures are my favorite part of magic, by far, and just having another reason to play a creature deck is always very appealing : )

Really neat custom cards, as usual. You're awesome and creative! Thanks for sharing.

March 12, 2022 7:38 p.m.

DeinoStinkus says... #4

I definitely think we should see convoke on more than Selesnya cards. It deserves that much XD

As for the cards themselves, I don't get the feeling that any of them are particularly broken. Collective Aggression is, like you said, an expensive Rolling Thunder, and although it does have a benefit you're ultimately also weighing that against the cost of having tapped creatures. Though I might personally make it a sorcery just to avoid combat step shenanigans, it's pretty balanced as is.

I really like Grand Festivities. It feels very on color, lol, and gives me images of Boros soldiers at a party giving each other vicious noogies. Honestly though, I like how this continues the March/Sphinx's Insight unofficial cycle, and it seems fairly balanced, especially given the uneven distribution of colored mana types. I can't abide by your color ordering, though. For shame... XD

Courageous Convoker seems strong as well, though as shadow pointed out it's not the worst thing to exist. The only thing I'd watch out for is that in most cases it would be a strictly better Cryptolith Rite; not only that but in most formats it can be run in monowhite... gasps

Though Courageous Convoker woukd be a sweet way for white to gain assymetrical ramp, now that I think about it.

Overall, love the designs, as always! Keep up the great work!

March 13, 2022 12:48 a.m.

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