Syr Marden, Tournament Champion
Custom Cards forum
Posted on Oct. 16, 2019, 4:39 a.m. by Falcoshin
Since Syr Gywn, Hero of Ashvale turned out to be such a garbage card, I decided to make my own legendary Eldraine knight that wasn't garbage.
Syr Marden, Tournament Champion Show
If they can't dodge him then chances are they don't have many creatures left to Insurrection. He's plenty balanced as is.
October 16, 2019 7:37 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #4
unfortunately i agree with Colonel_Kink i do not think it is balanced as it is very potent in its current state. For me it is the haste that just puts him over the edge. For example there is no magic card that has First strike, haste & menace, there is not even a creature with haste & menace. Maybe making him a little tribal based could be good, "As long as you control a knight that has haste ~ has haste, the same is true for menace and first strike"
I like the idea though and think he would be very entertaining with Assault Suit
October 16, 2019 8:16 a.m.
Haste is mandatory on the card. Without it he becomes susceptible to Vona syndrome.
October 16, 2019 8:33 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #6
the best comparison i can think of is glory bringer a 5 cost evasive, hasty creature with evasion that has an aggressive ability.
yes the casting requirement of Syr Gywn, Hero of Ashvale is a little more difficult but his ability is much more powerful. and glory bringer was not weak when it was in standard.
October 16, 2019 8:40 a.m.
You're not seriously comparing Marden to Glorybringer to tell me he's overpowered, are you? GB was just fine.
October 16, 2019 8:42 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #8
Did you even read my comment?
I said he is much more powerful than glorybringer and that glorybringer was not weak. Meaning he is not balanced.
I brought up glorybringer as he is the closest body from a recent standard set that i could find
October 16, 2019 9:02 a.m.
Despite the fact that it appears you're ignoring everyone's input, I'd like to chime in as well to say that this seems overpowered. I'd also agree with the haste statement.
If you're looking to make a good version of the knight, you did succeed. It's just... too good.
October 16, 2019 9:04 a.m. Edited.
Comparing this to Glorybringer is like comparing apples and oranges. They have completely different functions. If anything, Glorybringer goes to show that, yes, this card does need haste to be playable.
October 16, 2019 9:05 a.m.
Nemesis Just because something SEEMS overpowered doesn't mean it is. Actually take a moment to think about the sort of board states this card could realistically claim.
October 16, 2019 9:06 a.m.
You all want a card to realistically compare this to? Look at Aurelia, the Warleader .
October 16, 2019 9:07 a.m.
Gladly. Your opponent is playing an aggressive deck and turn four swings against you with his board. He's used pump spells or played hasty creatures, so he deals a good amount of damage, but taps down his board. You play this, you attack with haste, you win.
Your opponent plays a tempo deck and tries to drop a creature a turn. He swings with the ones he's got, then main phase 2 he drops a creature. Your turn, you play this guy and with both haste and menace, attack and get past his one creature. you then take his stuff and deal an insane amount of damage.
You're giving it too many tools to do too much. Haste to attack immediately and take control of a tapped board and menace to get past a single blocker. It's too efficient.
Sure, you have to work for it harder than you would an insurrection, but insurrection is 8 mana.
October 16, 2019 9:13 a.m.
The fix is easy - just add "Sacrifice Syr marden, tournamnet champion" at the end. Make it a one-tme use thing.
October 16, 2019 9:18 a.m.
"Gladly. Your opponent is playing an aggressive deck and turn four swings against you with his board."
If your opponent is in a position where they have a large board but still hasn't killed you then you're most likely not going to kill him on the backswing either.
"He's used pump spells or played hasty creatures, so he deals a good amount of damage, but taps down his board."
If he was dealing damage to you with pump spells then there's an even lower chance you're going to kill them on the backswing with their own creatures.
"You play this, you attack with haste, you win."
Sure is a good thing why I just explained why that's very unlikely, huh?
"Your opponent plays a tempo deck and tries to drop a creature a turn."
That's not what a tempo deck does. You don't actually know what a tempo deck is, do you?
"Your turn, you play this guy and with both haste and menace, attack and get past his one creature. you then take his stuff and deal an insane amount of damage."
Not if you're playing against a tempo deck you're not. Chances are the tempo deck won't even let you have Marden. Again, it seems evident you don't even know what the function of a tempo deck is.
"Sure, you have to work for it harder than you would an insurrection, but insurrection is 8 mana."
Insurrection was also a mono-colored card. Moreover, though, Insurrection was garbage even for the standard format it was printed in. If you're insisting I try to compare any card I make to one that is certifiable garbage then you are asking me to make my own cards garbage as well. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to make something unless a Spike looks at it and says "Hey, this isn't total garbage".
October 16, 2019 9:20 a.m.
Boza That's a good idea if you can point me to the part of Aurelia's text that tells me I need to sacrifice her the combat after triggering her.
October 16, 2019 9:21 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #17
"If your opponent is in a position where they have a large board but still hasn't killed you then you're most likely not going to kill him on the backswing either."
Your comment implies the player who is in mardu colours did nothing for 4 turns
"If he was dealing damage to you with pump spells then there's an even lower chance you're going to kill them on the backswing with their own creatures."
...your comment implies the player who is in mardu colours did nothing for 4 turns
"Sure is a good thing why I just explained why that's very unlikely, huh?"
... see above
"That's not what a tempo deck does. You don't actually know what a tempo deck is, do you?"
I have to say you are correct with this statement this is not what a tempo deck does.
"Insurrection was also a mono-colored card. Moreover, though, Insurrection was garbage even for the standard format it was printed in. If you're insisting I try to compare any card I make to one that is certifiable garbage then you are asking me to make my own cards garbage as well. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to make something unless a Spike looks at it and says "Hey, this isn't total garbage"."
Insurrection was garbage in standard because it was cmc 8! that is why it was garbage. a cmc 5 insurrection would have been OP (yes he is not a cmc 5 insurrection)
Now onto comparing it to auralia, the warleader. arguably one of the most powerful legendary boros creatures, who would reshape standard if she was put into it now. even so please explain why you dropped the mana cost?
October 16, 2019 9:31 a.m.
Hey, Aurelia was a garbage card in the Standard it was printed in, so don't go comparing your card to it.
Additionally, the cards are not really comparable, as untapping your own and untapping others creatures are quite different things.
October 16, 2019 9:33 a.m.
Your condescending attitude makes it glaringly apparent that conversing with you is a waste of time. I said tempo I meant midrange, oops. Whatever.
I avoided talking in the your other thread about a custom card league because I had nothing nice to say, but you kind of deserve it now.
You don't seem like you play nicely with others, especially about your card creations. You post something on this board and expect validation, otherwise you ignore all comments that would call your creation flawed. There is no way in the world that building a set with you would be pleasant due to your inability to handle criticism. The set would consist of cards that you create that are untouchable because you are right and everyone else is wrong. I'd suggest you make your own set and attach a "this set is perfect, your opinions are wrong" label to it.
October 16, 2019 9:35 a.m.
"Your comment implies the player who is in mardu colours did nothing for 4 turns"
The board state you described implies that the guy with Marden was barely able to do anything the first 4 turns if it got to such a state.
"I have to say you are correct with this statement this is not what a tempo deck does."
I'm glad we've established your game knowledge is too shallow to be commenting here.
"Insurrection was garbage in standard because it was cmc 8! that is why it was garbage. a cmc 5 insurrection would have been OP (yes he is not a cmc 5 insurrection)"
There are also many key differences you seem to be missing.
"Now onto comparing it to auralia, the warleader. arguably one of the most powerful legendary boros creatures, who would reshape standard if she was put into it now."
Out of curiosity, how many years has it been since you last played standard? 6? 7?
"even so please explain why you dropped the mana cost?"
- Marden is 3 colors
- Marden is more susceptible to being burned (Though, without Lightning Strike in the format, I could probably be convinced to lower his toughness to two)
- Marden has to actually connect to get your bonus combat step while Aurelia merely has to attack
- Aurelia triggers for your own creatures which is not only a factor you have better control over if you are putting her in a deck, but said creatures are much more likely to be of use to you than the ones your opponents have
Did I really need to explain all of that? Seriously?
October 16, 2019 9:38 a.m.
I can accept when I'm wrong. The original draft of this card didn't have the "For the first time each turn" clause because I forgot to put it in and was originally too lazy to put it in since I didn't think you'd be able to break him if it were missing. Someone pointed out that all it took was giving him vigilance and he could go infinite which was a perfectly valid point. The problem isn't that I can't take criticism. The problem is that most of the criticism comes from people with no serious understanding of the game.
October 16, 2019 9:41 a.m.
SP3CTR3_chelts says... #22
wow you are aggressive... so much in fact that you seem to fail to see that you are actually speaking to two people. But thats alright because I think you will be speaking to none soon enough. I dont come on this site to have abuse hurled at my direction or to do the same to others. Bye!
October 16, 2019 9:50 a.m.
I don't think it's too much to ask that people who think up custom cards actually play the damn game.
October 16, 2019 9:52 a.m.
The problem comes when you ask for feedback, receive it, yet dismiss it with "you have no serious understanding of the game". How do you expect that to generate any discussion?
October 16, 2019 10:42 a.m.
Boza Remind me again where I asked for feedback about how to improve the card. Remind me again what aspects of the card I said I was unsure of. You're free to give feedback if you want and I'll consider it if it's valuable and pertains to something I genuinely didn't consider before, but short of that all I'm hearing is that you put far less thought into the card than I did and refuse to admit it.
October 16, 2019 10:49 a.m.
Well, I am at a loss then Falcoshin. It is kind of presumed you want feedback when you post here. Otherwise, why do it?
Plus, if 4 different people think you should take a card down a notch, maybe they have noticed something you haven't. But what am I saying?
None of those people actually "put enough thought into the card and refuse to admit it", in addition to "not playing the damn game" and lets not forget those people also lack "serious understanding of the game".
I know you are a great person who can discern people's abilities to play the game over the Internet, how much thought they quantitively put nto a card and compare it to the quantity you put in, and also discern the otherwise intangible understanding of the game. All in the most polite and cordial tones, of course.
October 16, 2019 11:11 a.m. Edited.
Boza Let me ask you a question: Do you know why Vona, Butcher of Magan is a garbage card? There's only one answer. Let's see if you get it in one. Maybe it'll help you understand some of the design choices regarding THIS card.
October 16, 2019 11:13 a.m.
While you're at it you can explain to me the differences between this and Aurelia, the Warleader and tell me why this is somehow more overpowered than she is because this is something I'd like to see.
October 16, 2019 11:15 a.m.
Colonel_Kink says... #29
you are highly toxic.
i'll give you a final feedback on your card.
1= it is overpowered in its current state.
2= haste is necessary for a great commander, or rather to have it effect the board and your resources the turn it enters play, such as syr gwyn, drawing you cards and cheating on mana, if it was 1 mana less it would see serious play.
3= thus, i would say 5 mana, 4 coloured one generic. (makes it reasonable to be slightly more powerful with harder mana cost)
3/2 and haste, and trample, not menace and remove first strike.
then gain control of only tapped or untapped creatures, not all.
that is my feedback, listen if you want, but you have been rude to every person on this thread. if you want to interact with other people, learn how to listen with patience.
October 17, 2019 4:28 a.m.
It is not overpowered in any capacity. Sure the haste might be a bit much, but that only warrants giving it survivability instead or lowering its toughness so it can be shocked as well.
Who said this was for commander?
Syr Gywn would not see play if she were a 5 drop. Her ability is just plain garbage. Did you even read the card? The creatures have to be equipped for her to proc.
Evasion is necessary for a creature like this to even use its ability at all because otherwise no one will even let it through.
The reward is already not as powerful as you people make it sound. Not only are your creatures more useful to you than your opponents' creatures, but it's hard enough for him to get through to get a decent payout as is.
It's not my fault you people don't know how to play this game.
October 17, 2019 8:23 a.m.
Falcoshin Why do you even respond to the thread you've created when you so clearly states you don't want or seek feedback?
You've shown an incredible amount of disdain for your fellow forum-goers and their feedback. I sincerely hope for your sake that this does not represent how you interact with people in general.
You have now 5-6 people who have said that you are nasty in your response. Have you maybe considered that you are in the wrong here? Have you considered that this forum is not what you think it is? And that it may not be what you're looking for?
Please take a moment to review the Comment Tutorial, because it seems like you skipped a few questions.
I hope you'll reconsider your behavior going forward. It clearly needs a fine tuning.
October 22, 2019 10:36 a.m.
Falcoshin, I have the opportunity to respond.
Vona is a garbage card (though it saw play in Standard with M20 and Sorin in vampire tribal as a 1 or 2 copies on the end) because 7 life is incredibly steep and wizards costed it to not be a competitive card.
Aurelia, is a garbage standard card, and to quote you, Aurelia "was garbage even for the standard format it was printed in. If you're insisting I try to compare any card I make to one that is certifiable garbage then you are asking me to make my own cards garbage as well."
If we do not know how to play the game allegedly, you have no idea what you said in your previous posts, which is a worse offense.
Colonel_Kink says... #2
i think its really powerful. with evasion you could kill a player, so i feel it might be too strong. i hat the idea of raising the cost to make it fair,
so maybe give it haste deathtouch and menace, as a 2/4
then, when it deals damage to a player gain control of all tapped, or untapped creatures they control. until end of turn
it weakens him, whilst making it more political cuz they have to juggle their own creatures, forcing a small attack to not lose em all. and take the untapped to make it easy to attack the same player etc
October 16, 2019 6:16 a.m.