Temporal Flux and Phyrexian Tutor
Custom Cards forum
Posted on March 4, 2018, 12:57 p.m. by DemonDragonJ
Continuing my trend of making Phyrexianized versions of existing cards, I have two more such cards to share, as seen, below.
Temporal Flux Show
Phyrexian Tutor Show
These cards are simply slight modifications of Time Warp and Diabolic Tutor; I considered increasing their overall mana costs to balance their increased versatility, but I thought that that would be excessive, so I instead increased the color weight while keeping the converted mana cost the same.
What does everyone else say about these cards?
MagicalHacker says... #3
I would change their costs to and for balance reasons personally. Time Warp and Grim Tutor are already pretty powerful cards with Time Walk and Demonic Tutor being obviously over-powered versions because of their costs, so I think this is the best way to push the envelope, and they are still really really good with those new costs.
March 4, 2018 2:36 p.m.
You shouldn't be flooding the forums with all your custom cards. Just put them all in 1 post. The tutor I'd make it double black and two phyrexian black. The time walk 4 phyrexian blue and 3 colorless
March 4, 2018 3:23 p.m.
Ahhh, phyrexian mana. If I may, have a look at Why MTG Cardsmith? before designing anything that has phyrexian mana in it. It's a good reminder that phyrexian mana is broken as hell to begin with, so just making things cost more life is not a fix. Becuase people will just pay life. I mean look at at Sylvan Library. I've had games where I've sunk 20 life to it in three consecutive turns. Because winning the game on 1 life or 60 life doesn't matter. Same thing goes with Ad Nauseam. Players will happily sink ~30 life to it if it guarantees the win.
March 5, 2018 8:39 p.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #8
shadow63, I thought that, if I put them all in one post, that would decrease the attention on each individual card, but I shall do that for future cards.
MagicalHacker, if you believe that the best way to balance these cards would be to increase their mana costs, then I shall do so, as seen, below.
Temporal Flux Show
Phyrexian Tutor Show
Are they balanced, now?
March 5, 2018 10:14 p.m.
The extra turn card needs to exile itself and I would make it cost 1 less phyrexian mana and 1 generic
March 6, 2018 11:54 a.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #10
shadow63, why does it need to exile itself? I can understand that for Temporal Trespass, but this card's mana cost cannot be reduced, unlike that of the other.
March 6, 2018 8:33 p.m.
Because it's a 3 mana Time Walk that can be played for generic mana otherwise.
March 6, 2018 8:56 p.m. Edited.
DemonDragonJ says... #12
enpc, if you really believe that the self-exiling clause would prevent that card from being too powerful, then I can add it.
March 6, 2018 10:42 p.m.
I really do. The thing is (especially in EDH which is where I'm presuming these are designed for), you can pay 6 life 6 times, assuming you're not gaining any. And cards like Aetherflux Reservoir make it ohh so easy to. Because at 3 colourles mana, It's very easy to get some early ramp out, play that, Eternal Witness it, Ghostly Flicker the E-Wit and then keep chaining effect like that. And I can start that at 6 mana. The next cheapest card that let's me do that is Temporal Manipulation which is a fixed 5 mana for just that spell.
March 6, 2018 11:49 p.m.
Like I run a deck where basically giving me an extra turn or two by turn 4 could easily land me in a position to deal with anything and everything and win quickly. And even thats low tier compared to some decks which could utilize this card at my local LGS. If this was released by wizards and didnt have the exile clause on it, itd be nearly unstoppable in edh decks that would run it.
dbpunk says... #2
Ok so Temporal Flux is waaaaayyyyyy too powerful to not get exiled when you play it. Like even if you pay 6 life to play it on turn two or three. I like it otherwise though.
Also 1 Mana tutor could be devastating and I love it.
March 4, 2018 1:06 p.m.