Wizards. A few creations to help out the Tribal Archtype.
Custom Cards forum
Posted on Oct. 22, 2015, 4:22 p.m. by Saljen
Been working on the Wizards creature sub-type for a while and here are a few cards that I've put together to make Wizards a playable archetype.
Bonus Sorcery - Wanted to make it a "Tribal Sorcery - Wizard" but MTGCardSmith doesn't have that option.
I went along with the current tradition of Wizards having EtB effects, like Sage of Epityr, Harbinger of the Tides, Spellstutter Sprite, etc. Also, I wanted sacrifice to be important because I just absolutely love Voidmage Prodigy. One of my favorite cards in all of Magic.
@DERPLINGSUPREME - What makes Wizard tokens apart from clones? As it is, you have to sacrifice a Wizard. Would adding non-token Wizard make it more in line? As far as the permanent vs non permanent, I think its necessary at the CMC and to actually be worth sac'ing a creature.
The second one is meant more for his exit the battle field ability as it pairs well with Wizard of Barren Keep and Voidmage Prodigy. The synergy works well. Considering the extreme weakness of Wizards right now, these cards add a whole lot of synergy that makes them playable. I dont think that any of this would be game breaking, let alone even make Wizards T1 in any format.
October 22, 2015 8:12 p.m.
"As far as the permanent vs non permanent, I think its necessary at the CMC and to actually be worth sac'ing a creature."
no, I CERTAINLY didn't say it wouldn't be worth sacing a creature. I said its TOO GOOD for the cost! its INSANE. also I said Xenograft and a token maker. try reading that card.
whatever, I don't care. the cards are too good for their costs and wizards already has enough amazing shit.
imma wait for other people to get here.
October 22, 2015 8:18 p.m.
@DERPLINGSUPREME - The way I see it is that Counterspell and Boomerang are the same CMC. Counterspell is obviously a far better card, even though they don't do similar things. Counterspell is also banned in Modern. Voidmage Prodigy however is not banned in Modern and is not an overpowered or overly abused card. Yet Voidmage Prodigy has an ability that is Counterspell with the addition of sac'ing a wizard. Any wizard. Wizard of the Barren Keep bounces like Boomerang yet also requires sac'ing a wizard, hence the U cost. I could see uping the sac cost to UU, but changing it to non-land would make the card much less useful.
October 22, 2015 10:09 p.m.
@Saljen countrspell isn't banned it just hasn't been reprinted recently enough to be legal in it.
also, she does it at HALF THE COST of boomerang, making it SIGNIFICANTLY better than if it were uu.
October 22, 2015 10:17 p.m.
also, being reusable is a HUGE part of it. if you had, lets say, 10 wizards out in EDh, you could get rid of a players entire land base within 2 turns, closer to 1 if you have an okay amount of mana.
October 22, 2015 10:20 p.m.
yeah, Wizards is already a strong tribe thanks to Azami, Lady of Scrolls.
wizards already has enough support.
the first one, while useful, wouldn't be played for its +1/+1. its SECOND ability however is WAAAAYYYY too good. if you have a reliable token producer and, IDK, a Xenograft then you're set to fuck them over big time. also, you made it PERMANENT. as in INCLUDES LANDS. WAY too overpowered.
the second one has a realatively meh ETB effect, but its second effect would prove much too useful for its cost. make its cost a tad more, maybe 3, and it'd be more balanced.
the third one is ALSO too good for its cost. a especially if you had, lets say, the first one and 4 of it?
the spell is just insult to injury. all the first card combo way too well, and now this one clears the remainder of their board. in every other case, however, it would prove to be thoroughly useless.
October 22, 2015 7:04 p.m.