1-drops on a W/B deck.

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 10, 2014, 6:28 a.m. by TheAmazingSalsa

I'm running an azorius midrange deck, and I'm thinking Vault Skirge would be a much better "1-drop" than my current Triton Shorethief ...

what do you guys think?

My deck: And you will know my name is the LAW. (Need Help)

MountainMan817 says... #2

I run skirge in my artifact deck, and it does really well until it gets bolted haha

March 10, 2014 8:44 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #3

Ok, to sort out the little dilemma that I see here:

When abbreviating the colors of Magic:

B means Black, U means Blue.

The way that I read this:

Need help on my white/black deck, i'm running white/blue, I want to add a black card, I'm replacing a blue card.

Also, what format are you going for here? You're asking about a modern card, but your deck is roughly 90% standard. If this is just casual, sure, go for the change. If this is for modern, I'd say that you should probably reconsider where you're going with the deck.

March 10, 2014 10:57 a.m.

Gorgosaurusrex says... #4

What ThatBlueMage said.

March 10, 2014 11:42 a.m.

ThatBlueMage Yeah, I didn't realize that when I was typing, when I realized the mistake it was too late, sorry about that.

And the format I'm going for is Casual, I was thinking about turning it into a Modern deck later, but only in the future, for now, I'm just wondering if Vault Skirge is worth the spot, because it's significantly better than Triton Shorethief and I don't think it'll cripple me that much having to pay 2 life early on. What do you think?

March 10, 2014 1:31 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #6

Turn one minus two life for a flying lifelinker? Sounds solid to me over a 1/2. If your swinging you wont even notice the lost life

March 10, 2014 1:46 p.m.

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