12 Post Durability and Weaknesses

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 20, 2013, 4:22 p.m. by aeonstoremyliver

Greetings and salutations! I have a Mono Green 12 Post that I've tested against a friend's Affinity, Dredge, and he played my RDW. In play testing against those decks 12 Post did quite well. Price of Progress really hurts or ends the game... But, I digress.

I haven't had the opportunity to play against Storm, Hive Mind, Esper Stone Blade, Control, Mono Black Control, Show & Tell, Jund, or Zoo. If you could take a look and see how I would fare and perhaps give suggestions for the sideboard, I would be grateful.

12 Post: Mah Mean Green, Stomping Machine

The RDW for reference: Crimson and Ash

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