12-Post Variant

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 2, 2013, 1:05 a.m. by Andrius

12 Postest with the Mostest MONO-G

I have a conundrum friends. This version of 12 post runs smoother than the normal U/G version (which I am currently playing). Because of green powerhouses: Exploration and Sylvan Scrying . And of course, Crop Rotation is still a thing.

I still have Sensei's Divining Top and introduce Sylvan Library to begin to bandage the gaping wound left behind by the lack of Brainstorm .

I'm not all that worried about losing Show and Tell because, generally, the best way to BEAT a Show and Tell deck is to BE a Show and Tell deck. Or to at least have a deck consisting of good targets.

But of course, it's weaker to Delver (with no Repeal ) and I can't fill the sideboard with traditional blue combo hate like Flusterstorm .

But I get to not worry about counter magic with Cavern of Souls and Krosan Grip , which should make stoneblade weep.

Is there any sideboard in existence that will save this deck?

I'm kind of a new legacy player in need of some advise.

Andrius says... #2


I really need help on this peeps.

September 2, 2013 5:29 p.m.

Andrius says... #3


September 4, 2013 11:45 a.m.

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