2 and 3 drops for boros?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 28, 2013, 7:02 a.m. by Seten

Right now, my boros deck FAST BOROS LEGIONS only has one 2 drop creature and one 3 drop, and only 2 copies of the 2 drop and 3 copies of the 3 drop. I feel like I need more of both, but I just don't know what to do. I feel like Wojek Halberdiers would be nice, but I don't know what I should take out to make room for him. Also, I have Lightning Strike and Magma Jet to play on turn 2 as well as Legion's Initiative Boros Charm and Madcap Skills on one of my many 1 drop creatures.

Any other suggestions are extremely helpful.

Gidgetimer says... #2

I think Akroan Hoplite and Anax and Cymede are nice two and three drops respectively for Boros. My Boros deck is balanced a little more heavily white so I also like Phalanx Leader and Fabled Hero but you may not like the double white casting cost on those.

October 28, 2013 7:18 a.m.

Seten says... #3

Gidgetimer Akroan Hoplite would be sweet. I don't like any cards with heroic for this deck though, as boros charm's double strike is the only targeted ability I have, do the other cards I think are out of the question. If I were to add in akroan, do you think I should maybe take out one of my 1 drops, it what?

October 28, 2013 7:29 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #4

I would replace Legion Loyalist since even with battalion he is a 1/1. I guess if your meta is really token heavy he is alright but I think Akroan Hoplite would be better.

October 28, 2013 7:49 a.m.

Stone_Munkee says... #5

your Madcap Skills also triggers heroic.

October 28, 2013 8:56 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #6

I wasn't going to get into that lol but there are really only the 3 Madcap Skills that target and 1 out of the 3 modes on Boros Charm so I can see how he would only be counting on 1-2 targeted spells per game.

In my heroic Boros deck (Private Poland (Budget RW Hero)) I have 8 straight target spells, 4 Boros Charm , and 4 bestow creatures so I can count on 3-4 targeted spells per game making the heroic creatures a lot more worth while. I can understand the sentiment that heroic isn't worth less activations than that, so a 1/1 for 2 is out. Although a 3/2 First Strike, Vigilance (Anax and Cymede ) and a 2/2 Double Strike (Fabled Hero ) are still worth consideration in an aggressive deck in the 3 drop slot IMO.

October 28, 2013 9:38 a.m.

Scytec says... #7

Why has no one recommended Boros Reckoner ? Other than Aurelia, the Warleader it is the most broken card in block.

October 28, 2013 9:41 a.m.

Scytec says... #8

Broken Boros card anyway.

October 28, 2013 9:43 a.m.

If I had to drop a card out of the ones you listed it would probably be Legion's Initiative . In a pure aggro deck you don't really want to spend time setting up a board state that doesn't deal damage. If you turn 2 play is the Initiative, then you're already behind in the race.

October 28, 2013 9:43 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #10

Boros Reckoner is already in the deck is why no one has suggested it ...

October 28, 2013 9:53 a.m.

Scytec says... #11

Well then...I'm an idiot. :P I guess i just didn't see it. haha

October 28, 2013 10 a.m.

Seten says... #12

Gidgetimer I don't think I'll be taking out legion loyalist any time soon. The creature tokens I just see as a side thing. It gives them all first strike and trample, and the haste is extremely useful for triggering battalions.what do you think about this chane:-1 Aurelia, the Warleader as Scytec said, she's so broken, but honestly I'll never get to play her. Plus I only have one copy in the deck.+1 rakdos cackler

I need akroan hoplite in this deck. I just don't know how. Also, wit the exception of maybe boros reckoner, turn 3 will usually just I think be a time to pump up my 1 and 2 drops, or burning the other player/ his creatures.

October 28, 2013 3:58 p.m.

Seten says... #13

Gidgetimer wait - what do you think about instead of adding in a rakdos cackler for the Aurelia, I add an akroan hoplite and take out the lightning strikes for a complete play set of akroan?

October 28, 2013 4 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #14

That would work, Aurelia, the Warleader is a broken card but if you are running a fast deck a 6 drop is kinda pushing it.

October 28, 2013 4:45 p.m.

Seten says... #15

Gidgetimeryeah. also, lightning strike i guess is nice, but i think hoplite is better as well as everything else in the deck.

October 28, 2013 5:30 p.m.

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