2 decklists to finish
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 8, 2020, 7:54 p.m. by MarloweH
When marisi breaker of the coil came out, i built it as a goad themed deck. it didnt seem all that great at first so i thought about changing to to cat tribal. next the cat secret lair and now kaheera have made me decide on doing a full transition to cat tribal but i dont know how to do that while keeping the goad part viable.
the other deck i still have to cut cards for is my kenrith the returned king deck with the theme of the monarch ability but kenrith seems to want "big mana" stuff
my question is. what helps you decide how to fit both into a deck. (for example: deciding which cats work best with goad)
You might find Suns_Champions article series on building EDH decks helpful. Maybe starting on the card search process, since it seems you already have a theme?
I would also recommend putting what you have so far into a decklist, even if it's more than or less than 100 cards, and ask for help. People on TappedOut are visual thinkers and are more likely to give suggestions if they can see what you're working with!
May 9, 2020 11:15 a.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #4
So, kenrith doesn't strike me as a big mana commander. None of his abilities ramp or cheat out spells; he's more of a activated abilities/politics commander on the low end and one of the best outlets for worldgorger dragon combo on the high end. Jodah or golos would serve you much better if that's the theme you want; though the monarch theme is more flavorful and playing with that may prove to be more fun.
Also, figuring out what cards work usually comes with play testing. Once you figure out what works and your card evaluation skills improve cuts will become much easier; basically, trial and error is best way to figure out what works best for you. Reading articles can also help; Suns_Champion has an excellent series of articles on deck building I also reccomend checking it out.
Lanzo493 says... #2
For me, the most useful thing is experience. Once you’ve learned the common hurdles you have to get through to pull off a certain strategy, like goad, then you’ll be able to identify useful cards to pull it off.
Something important to keep track of is to make sure you focus on your original deck idea. Don’t deviate from cats and goad. Maybe you’ll decide that going wide will work well, since cats make tokens and only one needs to connect to start goad. Then you decide to include anthems to support your tokens. And maybe some token doublers. Maybe a bit of populate. Now you’ve really deviated from where you began and diluted your original strategy. Once again, though, only experience will tell you if what you’re doing is really making your deck better or worse.
May 9, 2020 10:31 a.m.