2 decks currently: Gruul and Mono-red Devo

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 6, 2013, 8:58 a.m. by Edeadda

my gruul deck is posted here but not getting much feed back, i have everything in my build except 1 stomping ground, i love the Reckoners but early game and if i get my dominant green mana then hes just dead in my hand i feel like i should replace him but hes so good its hard looking for ideas on what to do with him...- 2nd deck isnt made here yet mono red using Ash Zealot ,Fanatic of Mogis ,Boros Reckoner Purphoros, God of the Forge , and Stormbreath Dragon to name a few the only problem i have with it is the Burning-Tree Emissary i feel like when shes in my hand i cant do anything but toss out a body because of her green she gives off and most of the stuff requires 2 red min. so its not like my r/g where i can bte>bte>bte>Scavenging Ooze and fill up the field

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