30$ Budget Mono Burn Standard

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 28, 2012, 3:14 a.m. by binarybacon

Hello All. I'm new to magic. Trying my hands at a budget burn deck, and by burn I mean... win in 6 turns or lose. Not the more strategic option. It's a fun deck, but I think it's fairly decent. Hoping for some opinions, maybe I'm wrong?One thing with the deck is Vexing Devil. If there was another card in print I could substitute for it I would, because the deck would literally cost 10$. Here's the deck. Love any opinions I can get!

Creatures4x Vexing Devil 4x Goblin Arsonist

Spells4x Thunderbolt 4x Searing Spear 4x Pillar of Flame 4x Brimstone Volley 4x Thunderous Wrath 3x Flames of the Firebrand 3x Reverberate 3x Mark of Mutiny 2x Reforge the Soul

Land21 Mountain SideboardUndecided

skyb0rg says... #2

I think that Deathrite Shaman and Bump in the Night may be good, and Mizzium Mortars is good but is about $8. Black may make it better though.

September 28, 2012 6:19 a.m.

dcarpntr says... #3

Guttersnipe would be a great fit in your deck.

September 28, 2012 7:42 a.m.

SGB517 says... #4

Honestly if you don't want to shell out for the Vexing Devils you might be able to get by with just the Guttersnipe s. If you want the best possible deck, use both by putting the Guttersnipes in place of Mark of Mutiny .

Reverberate is one of my favorite cards. Ever. That said, 3 mainboard is usally too many. Here, you have lots and lots of your own spells to copy, so you should be okay, but if you need a slot, look there first.

September 28, 2012 9:07 a.m.

keneke01 says... #5

Have you thought of anything you could use to up your draw tempo? I love red burn decks but I always ran out of steam and was into top draw mode by turn 3 or 4.

September 28, 2012 11:08 a.m.

binarybacon says... #6

What would you guys think about maybe splashing black for bump in the night and killing wave. Add in dragonskull summit because its cheap for a dual landIm debating between goblin arsonist and guttersnipe. I agree guttersnipe is a great card but i dont know about it in this deck. Mainly cuz its a 3 drop so it could be dead weight t1, also wasting mana on a creature isnt a really good idea. Mainly though, Im not so sure ill get the damage out of it before it gets removed. In comparison people usually leave arsonist alone waiting for a bigger creature to show up, then I can chump block with it.

Ill make the r/b list if you guys think thats a sound idea. In theory it should be. Appreciate all the feedback.

September 28, 2012 11:15 a.m.

binarybacon says... #7

Reforge the soul is there for late game to get more burn in my hand. only other things that come to mind are dangerous wager and sign in blood/cremate if i mix in black. I like cremate cuz its 1 mana and i usually have cards in graveyard.

September 28, 2012 11:18 a.m.

keneke01 says... #8

Yeah, I didn't see Reforge the Soul that would work pretty well.

September 28, 2012 11:27 a.m.

binarybacon says... #9

I dont like Mizzium Mortars cuz it only deals damage to creature.

Ok what do you guys think of this for r/b i think its a better birn than the mono and extremely efficient. What do you think?

4 Vexing Devil

4 Goblin Arsonist

4 Bump in the Night

4 Pillar of Flame

4 Searing Spear

4 Thunderous Wrath

4 Thunderbolt

3 Killing Wave

3 Brimstone Volley

3 Reverberate

2 Reforge the Soul

12 Mountain

5 Swamp

4 Dragonskull Summit

Its a little over budget now, but i think it much better. Let me know what you would change :-). Thanks for your input!

September 28, 2012 12:54 p.m.

SGB517 says... #10

I do not think it is better with the black.

September 28, 2012 12:58 p.m.

binarybacon says... #11

Can you give me a reason why? I dont mind it beinh mono, i actually prefeer it cuz its cheaper. But Bump in the Night is a 3 for 1. Thats kind of amazing. Are you just saying it wont be as consistent?

September 28, 2012 1:04 p.m.

binarybacon says... #12

September 28, 2012 1:45 p.m.

binarybacon says... #13

Oops +3 Mountain

September 28, 2012 1:46 p.m.

voojeff says... #14

I personally prefer Wild Guess or Dangerous Wager than Reforge the Soul for the lower casting. I also don't like my opponents to have a whole hand of 7 because of the reforge.

September 28, 2012 2:08 p.m.

binarybacon says... #15

I feel you voojeff. I like dangerous wager as well. My thought behind Reforge the Soul is if i hit it, cast it for miracle 2 mana late game. thats why i was only running 2. At that point I should have more than enough mana to cast some spells and end the game. They might get spell counters from it but I think its a risk worth taking. Also dont want too much draw cuz drawing Thunderous Wrath with any draw negates the miracle.

September 28, 2012 2:30 p.m.

dcarpntr says... #16

I have found that when I miracle cast Thunderous Wrath , it's awesome. When I have to hard cast it for 6, I'm disappointed. Running only 2 will help you to not have one or two in your opening hand (it's an almost an auto-mulligan when that happens), and thus more likely to be cast at miracle cost. Also, I think you should consider more creatures. What are your thoughts about this:

-2 Thunderous Wrath

-4 Thunderbolt

-1 Reverberate

-2 Mark of Mutiny

-2 Reforge the Soul

+4 Guttersnipe

+3 Dangerous Wager

+4 Ash Zealot

I feel like these changes would be more punishing against a wider spread of decks because you'll have extra reach with Guttersnipe, and Ash Zealot pounds on graveyard decks like Zombies (yeah, recast that Gravecrawler ), Snapcaster Mage decks, etc.

September 28, 2012 3:48 p.m.

zandl says... #17

Try to shy away from cards that only deal damage to players. Being able to alternate between creatures and players is invaluable.

Thunderbolt is pretty bad. It can kill a stray Restoration Angel every now and again, but otherwise it's just half of a Lightning Bolt for more mana.

September 28, 2012 4:03 p.m.

SGB517 says... #18

I guess test it both ways.

I understand you're going to target the player whenever you can but if you draw it and no black sources you'll be upset with yourself and if you draw Killing Wave when what you really needed was card:Devil's Play, you'll be pretty mad too.

I have tested with both Dangerous Wager and Reforge the Soul in a little bit different type of deck. I find that the safer play with Dangerous wager is just that, the safer play. Playing with Reforge is awesome because even though about 1/3 times it helps your opponent, there are also times it hurts them. Because you're the red player it actually does translate into card advantage because you'll be getting 5 to 7 free cards and they'll be throwing away more cards than you. I frequently get complaints from opponents who have to discard a card they've kept on purpose.

September 28, 2012 4:03 p.m.

zandl says... #19

Whether or not Reforge the Soul helps out your opponent more depends almost entirely on the deck you're playing against.

Reforge the Soul against a Humans/Token deck might not be so bad, but against Wolf Run? Thanks for refilling my hand with Titans and extra turns.

September 28, 2012 4:05 p.m.

Geoxis says... #20

Magmaquake called.... It's begging to be part of this list

September 28, 2012 7:11 p.m.

binarybacon says... #21

@dcarpentr I think I will take Thunderous Wrath down to 2. In play testing it, you are totally right. Need Ash Zealot , but I'm not sold on Guttersnipe . The second I put it down, it gets destroyed or removed. It's just too bad that it's 3 mana. If it was 2 mana, I would probably use it.

@Zandi I'm not using Lightning Bolt because this deck is for post rotation. Thunderbolt is mainly there because it's 3 damage for 2 mana.

@SGB517 I agree on all fronts. I'm leaving the deck mono red. I am going to go with 2 Reforge the Soul and 2 Dangerous Wager because you're right. 2/3 of the time Reforge the Soul is the most amazing card ever.

@Geoxis Magmaquake is currently 5$ a card. Gonna try to get by without it. However card:Devil's Play is available for 1.25$ Think it's worthy?

I appreciate all the feedback. I need to rethink the deck. I will post a revised deck list tomorrow, cuz I'm super tired. If you would like to make a deck list for me begs you please just keep a couple of things in mind: 1. Only Post Rotation Cards 2. No money cards except Vexing Devil (because it's straight up necessary) 3. Try to keep regular spells under 3 mana, as I've found that streaming little cards is more effective most of the time. 4. Try to stick with the burn idea vs more creatures. I don't want to include a creature over 2 mana, because I would rather just keep burning :-). 5. Needs Miracles because, well... I like miracles! :-P

You all are the best. I'm for sure when I get this deck done we'll have a 30$ semi competetive mono red for post rotation. That's totally awesome :-)

September 28, 2012 9:25 p.m.

binarybacon says... #22

@dcarpentr only problem I have with Ash Zealot is his stupid butt costs 3.99$ and I'm trying to keep it budget. Thought I might be able to get by with Vexing Devil and Goblin Arsonist + straight burn.

September 28, 2012 9:27 p.m.

binarybacon says... #23

Also if you can build it without Vexing Devil that would be super awesome! But I just can't see a straight burn being fully effective without him.

September 28, 2012 9:33 p.m.

Geoxis says... #24

you are buying from the wrong site http://www.cardkingdom.com/catalog/item/187518

September 29, 2012 1:33 a.m.

zandl says... #25

If you're buying Standard singles from SCG or ChannelFireball (or any other big site), you're doing it wrong. You can always find any Standard single for 70% of their prices somewhere else.

I like TopDeckHobbies.com. They may not have the selection, but the price is right.

September 29, 2012 12:15 p.m.

Geoxis says... #26

Who is charging your $5 for magmaquake? FAIL

cardkingdom.com for .75$ :P

September 29, 2012 1:01 p.m.

This discussion has been closed