4 colors in standard?? am I cray??
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 20, 2014, 7:26 p.m. by Ryan_Schulze
Hey so i've built a bunch of control decks ranging from Grixis, Chavest, American, Azorius, Orzhov ect.... Basically anything without green lol. So I put this deck, Let's go to Hell, together right after theros dropped. It's R/B/W/U control. I've played it a bunch in my local meta and I do very well against all agro and go about %65-70 over certain control's. Specifically Azorius. It just has my number sometimes. I'd love to add Mogis, God of Slaughter . Pleeaaasseee help me make this homebrew work. Suggestions are most welcome :D! Happy MLK day.