5 Color EDH Land Base Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 2, 2013, 5:51 p.m. by 711Keaven
I'm working on a Karona, False God group hug EDH deck, and I need some help figuring out how many/which lands to run.
I'm running a few ramp cards like Mana Flare and Heartbeat of Spring and a few draw cards like Howling Mine and Font of Mythos , so I figure I don't need to run as many lands as usual, but I'm new to the format so I don't know what normal is.
Also, I've never made a 5 color deck before so I'm not sure how to make the ratios work.
I'm on a budget, but I'd like to figure out what the ideal land base would be for this deck, then try to replicate that with what I have/can get.
Here's the deck Hug of the False God
MagicalHacker says... #3
This is a big dilemma, but I guess my input is probably valuable as well.
The utmost optimum mana base you can have is all ten shocklands, all ten fetchlands, all ten original dual lands (which if you really need to replace due to budget issues, filter lands), and between 6-10 lands that tap for any color without coming into play tapped. Reflecting Pool and City of Brass are great examples.
Yes it is very expensive, but I try to have a finished goal in mind when I start building a deck IRL in the form of a virtual decklist.
Good luck and have fun!
August 2, 2013 6:12 p.m.
By original dual lands do you mean cards like Dragonskull Summit or Scrubland ?
Also, I'm running Maze's End as a win-con. Is that a dumb idea considering I won't be running the optimal lands along with the guildgates?
August 2, 2013 6:19 p.m.
Cobthecobbler says... #5
Check out my land base for Five-color Beatdown and Reanimator. The land base is just around $120 which for five-color is as budget as you can get. It doesn't include the original duals (Bayou , Taiga , etc...) or fetchlands (Marsh Flats , Arid Mesa , Bloodstained Mire , etc...) but it does include Shocks and Buddy-lands.
Five-color land bases are hard to do without a lot of fixing. You can run artifact tutors and Chromatic Lantern but even that isn't too consistent.
August 2, 2013 6:24 p.m.
Cobthecobbler says... #6
You can also run the Pain Lands such as Adarkar Wastes , Brushland , etc.
Those are very cheap and don't come in tapped, but be careful you're not using them every turn or your life will slowly wittle away to nothing if you have too many out at one time.
August 2, 2013 6:28 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #7
Original dual lands means exactly that - the original dual lands. Tundra , Underground Sea , Badlands , etc.
Using Maze's End as a win condition in EDH is not optimal, shall we say. You might want to look into Amulet of Vigor to maintain playability.
August 2, 2013 6:33 p.m.
Cobthecobbler says... #8
Amulet of Vigor is a good option if you're running tapped lands like Guildgates. But if you're running Buddy/Checklands like Dragonskull Summit , they're going to check to see if you have that basic land type, and if you don't have it or you don't have the Amulet, you're set back a turn because those lands enter tapped. So if you run Amulet and a bunch of tapped lands, then you might want Tezzeret the Seeker , or some really cheap artifact tutors.
August 2, 2013 6:41 p.m.
smash10101 says... #9
take a look at my Karona, God of Mercy for an affordable mana base. I am a big fan of basics because they are easier to ramp with and with enough cards like Collective Voyage , Veteran Explorer , Cultivate , ect. running 20+ is huge. I am also running guildgates and Maze's End , and while I doubt I'll ever win with it (I don't think I have a way to get any back from the grave) it can help with the colors.
Amulet of Vigor
can really help if you're running a lot of tap lands. depending on your meta, tap lands can really hurt.
In addition to Command Tower
, Forbidden Orchard
, ect. as already suggested, there are two cycles of tri-lands. There is the cycle from Alara (Seaside Citadel
, ect.) and the Lair lands from planeshift (Rith's Grove
) I'm not running either right now, but if I cut Maze's End
I think I'll replace all the guild gates with the 10 tri-lands.
Depending on your basic land count (and shock/original dual count) you could also run the buddy lands (Dragonskull Summit
) and frienemy lands (Clifftop Retreat
), though the frienemy lands are a bit pricy. If you somehow end up swamp heavy, there is also the tainted cycle (Tainted Field
Hope this giant wall of text helped!
Epochalyptik says... #2
Honestly, 5-color is the worst thing to attempt when you're on a budget. You'd really benefit from some of the more expensive lands. That said, you can probably work it somehow.
Normal land count for EDH is 35-40. My decks typically sit around 36-38. Don't be fooled into thinking cards like Font of Mythos and Mana Flare can allow you to run fewer lands, though, because they can't.
Because you're running group hug draw effects, you may want to look into cards like Rites of Flourishing and Burgeoning to allow you to get some acceleration.
You could run the shard lands (e.g. Seaside Citadel . I would also include at least five of the pain lands (e.g. Adarkar Wastes ) in either the allied or enemy color combinations.
Lands like Command Tower , Reflecting Pool , Exotic Orchard , and Forbidden Orchard would be beneficial.
You could try the vivid lands (e.g. Vivid Meadow ), but you need to be conscious of how many ETB-tapped lands you run.
August 2, 2013 6:05 p.m.