Deck Help MTG Forum
Help with mono black control (Closed)
modern sack outlets (Closed)
Top Tier decks for testing purposes (Closed)
2 mutavault or 3 (Closed)
Help me Choose (Closed)
[[Duskmantle Seer]] deck (Closed)
[[Angel-Human-Spirit-Deck]] (Closed)
Mono Blue Splash white (Closed)
Should I add this card? (Closed)
suggestions on phasing (Closed)
Infect help (Closed)
Standard Pauper Decks (Closed)
Thassa God or Master of Waves (Closed)
Best looking FNM promo? (Closed)
Attempt at a New Thing (Closed)
What would you suggest? (Closed)
First attempt at a Modern deck (Closed)
Self discard in modern (Closed)
R/W Burn: Mutavault Importat? (Closed)
More cards like this (EDH) (Closed)
Building My First EDH Deck! (Closed)
Need a better 1 drop (Closed)
Minotaur Tribal - Need some help (Closed)
Need some advice (Closed)
EDH [[Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund]] (Closed)
Mana-ramp for R/G (Closed)
So, I made a thing... (Closed)
Modern Creature less Burn (Closed)
I Need Help With R/G (Closed)
looking for creature tutors (Closed)
Star City Open coming to town! (Closed)
Need some help with card-decisions (Closed)
Cutting Cards in Nylea EDH (Closed)
Scooze or Deathrite? (Closed)
Donating Permanents (Closed)
Need help with Jund Pod EDH (Closed)
Infect and Unblockable Cards? (Closed)
What should I do with Boros Reckoner (Closed)
utility (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Using shrazarad
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