Deck Help MTG Forum
How do I speed this deck up? (Closed)
New to EDH, bombs (Closed)
New into Modern, help with Goblins (Closed)
Final thoughts (Closed)
Major overhaul in process (Closed)
Post-Rotation Grixis Control Update (Closed)
Naya! Help with mana base! (Closed)
UR Control (Closed)
Mono Black Human (Closed)
Bant Tokens (Closed)
NAYA Monsters Standard (Closed)
Defense Against Azorious (Closed)
To Blood Moon or Not to Blood Moon (Closed)
Sideboard help (Closed)
Gearing up for my first FNM with R/U (Closed)
Brimaz? (Closed)
Last time asking for feeback (Closed)
Changes before I make it. (Closed)
Naya Fatty Advice (Closed)
What to replace? (Closed)
dredge needs help (Closed)
Grixis Help Against Green (Closed)
curious (Closed)
Benedict Arnold's Budget Deck (Closed)
Rakdos Choices (Closed)
Which one should I use at FNM? (Closed)
The Rack vs. Shrieking Affliction (Closed)
How to play reanimator in standard? (Closed)
Could you playtest my deck? (Closed)
Does Mutavault Make Sense? (Closed)
A Tale of Two Decks. (Closed)
Should I get rid of my 1-drops? (Closed)
[[Teysa,-Orzhov-Scion]] EDH Help (Closed)
From Standard to Modern (Closed)
Hey guys, I need real EDH help! (Closed)
Fun Deck Creation Mission (Closed)
Modern: Card build around ideas (Closed)
help - card draw (Closed)
tweaks and stuff (Closed)
Sideboard help needed (Closed)
Make Maze's End Faster (Closed)
Devotion to black (Closed)
land control options (Closed)
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