Deck Help MTG Forum
w/B Lockdown Devotion Help (Closed)
Extreme ramp with black (Closed)
epser ctrl+slaughter games (Closed)
Orzhov Midrange? (Closed)
Plague Boiled Rocks (Closed)
I am in Ooze for Glissa (Closed)
Standard Vraska (Closed)
Naya aggro, beasts! Help/tips (Closed)
Deck for my gf, she love's kitties! (Closed)
I need help with my EDH (Closed)
Help for tomorrow's tournament (Closed)
Need overall help with my deck (Closed)
Extreme mana ramp mono black help (Closed)
Budget U/B Mill Help (Closed)
EDH polish (Closed)
Need Deck HELP! (Closed)
Concocting RUG in Standard (Closed)
edh (Closed)
Help With Rakdos Burn (Closed)
Which should I play tonight? (Closed)
Mistcutter Hydra is a problem (Closed)
Canadian Junk! (Modern) (Closed)
Modern creature to build around (Closed)
first edh (Closed)
Monsters (Closed)
Mono Green Devotion (Closed)
Is this a bad idea? (Swan Song) (Closed)
Is this at all viable? (Closed)
sideboard help for modern fish (Closed)
Standard hate deck (Closed)
burn deck help needed (Closed)
[[x-deck-13-03-14-1]] (Closed)
Answer For A Population Deck (Closed)
Epic Experiment Counter-burn deck. (Closed)
Is this deck worth the investment? (Closed)
White Weenie Token help (Closed)
White Weenie v Defender Mill? (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?