Deck Help MTG Forum
Mogis EDH deck (Closed)
upgrade time (Closed)
R/G Removal help. (standard) (Closed)
which is better? (Closed)
Not Your Dad's Artifact Deck (Closed)
And now for something diferent... (Closed)
Black White deck (first deck) (Closed)
Attempt at standard Mill (Closed)
God Themed Decks (Closed)
bant decklist for IQ (Closed)
EDH deck input (Closed)
jeleva deck tech (Closed)
EDH Creature help (Closed)
red/black/white standard help (Closed)
Need help with five color edh deck (Closed)
Joint Effort (Closed)
Help for Hydras (Closed)
1-drops on a W/B deck. (Closed)
Help me surprise my friends. (Closed)
Brand new to EDH C+C needed! (Closed)
Am I ready for FNM? (Closed)
Which Colorless Lands To Cut? (Closed)
Help with GW aggro? (Closed)
Help with MBD (Closed)
Help with an idea of Modern (Closed)
Aristocrats in modern....WHA?! (Closed)
artifact removal help (Closed)
Standard Esper Tempo HELP (Closed)
Rakdos humans (Closed)
Teysa, Orzhov Scion interactions (Closed)
Endless Inspired (Closed)
Modern Competitive decks (Closed)
More Young Pyro? (Closed)
I have the BUG (Closed)
sphinx tribal help (modern) (Closed)
nekusar the mindrazer (Closed)
Simic Competitive Deck Help (Closed)
BU Control Pauper. (Closed)
w/b attrition/control deck (Closed)
W/U/R pillow fort help (Closed)
Blue+Black Mill deck (Begginer) (Closed)
U/W/R/G commander land base? (Closed)
Eiganjo Castle? (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?