Deck Help MTG Forum
Bant Tokens EDH (Closed)
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brimaz (Closed)
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Help me build my first Modern deck. (Closed)
Large Old-Skool Collection! (Closed)
Enchantment Search (Closed)
Sliver deck help (Closed)
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Legacy [[Stasis]] (Closed)
Jarad EDH (Closed)
Card Tags-Promos (Closed)
Help with graveyard/sacc deck (Closed)
8 rack in modern - Splash Blue? (Closed)
U Devotion help please. (Closed)
Starcity IQ (Closed)
Poor Man's Modern Junk Midrange (Closed)
First EDH deck (Closed)
Modern Rakdos Burn/Control (Closed)
Best casual Unfair draw source (Closed)
Help with my U/R control (Closed)
Merfolk counter choice (Closed)
Junk - help before fnm (Closed)
Jund Budget - Suggestions? (Closed)
Bant Deckbuild Thought Experiment (Closed)
Gruuling Monster Mash! (Closed)
Thassa VS Pack Rat? (Closed)
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Recently Added
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