Deck Help MTG Forum
Dromar EDH suggestions (Closed)
Standard hatebears? (Closed)
New Modern Deck Concepts (Closed)
BotG Golgari Remix (Closed)
American Burn (Closed)
Darn Selesnya pooping on Rakdos (Closed)
hive mind help (Closed)
Standard GW help (Closed)
EDH help requested (Closed)
Black White Aura help (Closed)
stormniscience help (Closed)
Splashing white to shore up Black (Closed)
Newbie Needs Suggestions - Standard (Closed)
B/W control Help (Closed)
Mono black help in modern (Closed)
HOW does a COMBO deck SIDEBOARD? (Closed)
Under the sea (Closed)
Grand Prix Richmond (Closed)
Ephara EDH help? (Closed)
kitchen table modern (Closed)
M10+ Pauper Competitor (Closed)
Looking for advice on Junk Treefolk (Closed)
White Devotion in Standard? (Closed)
First EDH Deck suggestions (Closed)
change out (Closed)
Help on W/B STD (Closed)
Lets talk Goblins for a bit (Closed)
Can't Decide. Swap out or Stay? (Closed)
Best Choice For +1/+1 Counter Deck? (Closed)
Looking for caging cards! (Closed)
Havengul Lich Grixis in Modern (Closed)
RUG Help (Closed)
Bant vs. Naya (Closed)
Newish Blue/White Aggro needs help (Closed)
Ideas? Anyone? (Closed)
Need to improve monoblack matchup (Closed)
My first EDH deck (Closed)
That Pre-FNM Grind (Closed)
Nicol bolas grixis modern (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
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- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?