Deck Help MTG Forum
U/B sacfrice/discard (help) (Closed)
Standard Mogis Midrange Advice (Closed)
Sideboard Help Game Day (Closed)
kiki pod help (Closed)
Some help with aggro/burn in modern. (Closed)
Does this work? Heroic (Closed)
Mill of Woe - Modern (Closed)
EDH Blink Deck (Closed)
Modern Affinity Help (Closed)
firs fnm (Closed)
Tronucopia? (Closed)
EDH help (Closed)
The mono-black splash chronicles (Closed)
Sprinkle life gain? (Closed)
Trimming the fat (Closed)
Is my deck FNM-Ready? (Closed)
Deck tweak before FNM-Help (Closed)
Elemental Awakening (Closed)
Opinions un my t2 burn deck (Closed)
First tournament (Closed)
Rakdos Control Burn (Closed)
Pyromancer's Gauntlet in Standard (Closed)
looking for a saproling guru (Closed)
Izzet elemental tokens help (Closed)
suggestions for grixis mill! (Closed)
Azorius deck Help !!!!! (Closed)
Help with RW Heroic deck (Closed)
[Help] Budget Mono-Black Devotion (Closed)
please help on devotion deck (Closed)
My First EDH Deck Is Rather Fishy (Closed)
Help improve this Izzet deck. (Closed)
U/G Aggro Playtesting (Closed)
5-Color Devotion (EDH) (Closed)
Rakdos Aggro for FNM (Closed)
Standard G/R Monsters (Closed)
Help with my Izzet and Rakdos decks (Closed)
Eternal Budget [EDH] (Closed)
Standard Jund build (Closed)
Need tips for my Mill deck! (Closed)
Green/Black Graveyard Deck (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Using shrazarad
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