Deck Help MTG Forum
Need help with Infect (Closed)
I have no idea what I'm doing! (Closed)
Vamps Devoted to Black (Closed)
Pleas critique my deck (Closed)
W/B lifegain suggestions? (Closed)
Help With flying deck (Closed)
Modern Sideboard help (Closed)
B/W Midrange Help (Closed)
[[Izzit Burn w/ Creatures]] (Closed)
infinite deck help (Closed)
Alice in Wonderland EDH Help (Closed)
UB Mill Deck Help (Closed)
Trying to make this a thing (Closed)
Deep-sea based EDH Deck? (Closed)
Rakdos Casual field screwer (Closed)
b/w midrange (Closed)
Esper affinity help and suggestions (Closed)
simic theme deck help (Closed)
Izzet Control/Burn (Closed)
Help with my Mill deck! (Closed)
Detain/Exile deck in standard? (Closed)
khalni hydra vs. mistcutter hydra (Closed)
Standard merfolk deck (Closed)
Tweaking for GPT Cinncinnati (Closed)
Any Mono-Red Burn Help? (Closed)
Three Drop Help in U/W Devotion (Closed)
Reanimation or Monotonous Black? (Closed)
Where to Even Begin? (Closed)
Standard Junk help (Closed)
Vampire devotion help!! (Closed)
Critique my deck, Brave Selesnya (Closed)
Help with RUG Tempo (Closed)
Help with soldier deck (Closed)
izzet agro, help (Closed)
New Phenax U/B/W (please help) (Closed)
Jhoira EDH help/opinions (Closed)
[[Rakdos Devotion to Mogis]] (Closed)
Selesnya Deck Help Please (Closed)
America Control Help? (Closed)
I need help with my deck (Closed)
How Many Basic Lands EDH? (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Using shrazarad
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