Deck Help MTG Forum
Help on a Combo deck in standard (Closed)
Need card ideas (Closed)
Counterburn? (Closed)
Your 2 cents (Closed)
Finishing Touches for Green Devotion (Closed)
U/B Faeries with Bitterblossom (Closed)
Bant bouncing deck (Closed)
Red versus Red (Closed)
Golgari Nation, lend me your help! (Closed)
Faeries... Yes, already (Closed)
Savages and Satyrs (Closed)
Rakdos Devotion (Closed)
Intrested in playtests? (Closed)
Looking for a Jund Control Build (Closed)
Which one is best?!?!?!? (Closed)
First Paper EDH Deck (Closed)
Planning to take this to SCG Open (Closed)
First Dimir Deck - HELP! (Closed)
American Midrange In Standard? (Closed)
Help with anti-control sideboard (Closed)
Updated Mayael Deck (Closed)
Modern Green Devotion Help (Closed)
Faerie Mill Deck (Closed)
Should I Use Liliana Vess? (Closed)
Feed back on WW (Closed)
Help me tweak my blitz deck (Closed)
Dimir Standard -- Advice? (Closed)
I need a side (Closed)
Azorius Enchantments BTG (Closed)
Budget Delver (Closed)
Is there anything wrong? (Closed)
Standard help ( as of BTOG ) (Closed)
need a helping hand (Closed)
Naya in standard? (Closed)
Standard Dimir for Gameday! (Closed)
Hail Mogis God of Slaughter (Closed)
How Would This Deck Do In Standard? (Closed)
How do you cook down a deck? (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Using shrazarad
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