Deck Help MTG Forum
Need help with my gorgon tribal deck (Closed)
Help with some deck teck (Closed)
Dismiss Into Dream? (Closed)
Bant midrange? HWHAT?! (Closed)
Replacement Card (Closed)
I want this to hurt... (Closed)
Help me shut down affinity. (Closed)
Please help, new to Modern (Closed)
What Should I Remove (Closed)
Simic Brewing [BNG] (Closed)
Would this be a viable burn deck? (Closed)
No win condition? (Closed)
Exquisite Blood in Esper (Closed)
need modern help (Closed)
Which of these 2 decks is stronger. (Closed)
I just won the lottery :) (Closed)
Standard UG for FNM (Closed)
Phoenix Controlburn deck help (Closed)
Improvements for my bounce deck (Closed)
casual mill (Closed)
What to Proxy: Stoneblade (Closed)
Help for Standard BUG for FNM (Closed)
Prognostic Sphinx in U/W control? (Closed)
Tweaked Theros Inspiring Heroics (Closed)
Just general deck help! (Closed)
Alternative to [[Path to exile]]? (Closed)
Looking for help with my new deck. (Closed)
G/R Monsters Help (Closed)
Competitive-esque Nekusar (Closed)
good uses for Proliferate in U/B edh (Closed)
Help with my edh deck (Closed)
Helping a friend out (Closed)
Discard help/suggestions (Closed)
Improving an old Legacy deck (Closed)
Getting Ready for Game Day! (Closed)
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Recently Added
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