Deck Help MTG Forum
What is easier to build from scratch (Closed)
Kokusho or Sheoldred? (Closed)
5 card spots to fill! (Closed)
B/U Devotion Help (Closed)
Hydra counter help (Closed)
B/R vampire help (Closed)
GR Midrange Creatures (Closed)
Standard Infinite Combo card choices (Closed)
Green Lifegain Help? (Closed)
RBW Midrange (BNG ready) (Closed)
GPT tomrw, am I ready? (Closed)
Esper Help Needed (Closed)
Black devotion(help) fnm tonight (Closed)
Help me learn to sideboard (Closed)
sideboard for the rotting (Closed)
Help with a series of decks. (Closed)
Help for FNM (Closed)
Junk EDH- [[Peregrination]] (Closed)
is this card combo stupid (Closed)
Help with infinite recursion EDH (Closed)
Help Me Mess around in Standard! (Closed)
Born of the Gods Aura Deck (Closed)
Prepareing for Botg (Closed)
Will this deck survive at fnm? (Closed)
ADVICE NEEDED - Blue/Black Mill Deck (Closed)
Bruna EDH (Closed)
That Mono Red Burn (Closed)
Which angel should I use? (Closed)
A Pro-tour quality Homebrew?! (Closed)
New to Magic. (Closed)
Epic T5 win? (Closed)
Modern Deck Challenge (Closed)
I Scry Every Time (Closed)
EDH Decks For All Occasions (Closed)
Creature choices (Closed)
Need ideas for RG Dragon deck (Closed)
BUG Self Mill Creatures Needed! (Closed)
Need help with early game defense! (Closed)
BNG White Weenies? (Closed)
Selesnya help!! (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?