Deck Help MTG Forum
Need some help with my sideboard (Closed)
need help finishing a standard deck (Closed)
Improving a tool box? (Closed)
Lifegain for Pain Seer deck (Closed)
is there a way to make this work? (Closed)
need space for thoughtseize (Closed)
Boss Naya in Modern (Closed)
Quad Color (Closed)
Perfecting Tempo Twin (Closed)
Opinions on some additions? (Closed)
B/U/G deck help (Closed)
america! (Closed)
help with my deck please (Closed)
White Weenies BNG Update (Closed)
Does this trigger Heroic? (Closed)
Reaper King silly deck (Closed)
no love for the menace? (Closed)
Casual Green-White (Closed)
StarCity Open Deck Choice (Closed)
Born of the Gods Decks, New and Old (Closed)
Beat Esper Control (Closed)
Starter needing advice (Closed)
Sideboard against Mono Blue/Black? (Closed)
Go Ahead, check out my Junk. (Closed)
Go Ahead, check out my Junk. (Closed)
Is 4 [[true-name nemesis]] too much? (Closed)
Standard Mono Blue Help (Closed)
Enchantments for my deck? (Closed)
Modern G/W Aura Deck Help (Closed)
Post Rotation Jund (Closed)
Viable replacement? (Closed)
Modern Burn Deck Help (Closed)
Green Devo for Modern (Closed)
Standard B/W humans? (Closed)
Boros Burn Help (Closed)
Zombie Advice Wanted (Closed)
Esper Help Needed (Closed)
HELLBENT deck help (Closed)
3 Drop BUG (Closed)
Deck Tech Help (Closed)
Pain Lands VS Tainted Lands (Closed)
paper standard red/white (Closed)
Junk Answers (Closed)
First Post! New here! (Closed)
In the name of the Doctor!!! (Closed)
Feedback on life gain deck (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
- How Many Dual Lands do I Need?
- How Good is Atalan Jackal?
- What is your favorite mono blue mage to play as a commander?
- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?