Deck Help MTG Forum
G/B - Pack Rats > Deathrite's?? (Closed)
Feedback on Simic (Closed)
Modern affinity (Closed)
Sydri artifact non control based EDH (Closed)
Modern BG kill, fast drop (Closed)
Said "deck isn't mine" (Closed)
Niv-Mizzet, The Firemind EDH Help (Closed)
Criticize my Tron list! (Closed)
Updated two of my decks (Closed)
Bug Control: Thoughts? (Closed)
Selesnya: A love/hate relationship (Closed)
Looking for some tips and pointers (Closed)
Rakdos Infect help and suggestions (Closed)
Mono-Black Wither Deck Suggestions (Closed)
Orzhov Devotion help (Closed)
Budget MBD + Sacrifice (Help Needed) (Closed)
Deck help tournament worthy (Closed)
need more support (Closed)
Modern Esper (Closed)
selesnya help please (Closed)
Siege Gang Commander (Closed)
Black green scavenge (Closed)
Mono-Blue EDH Control (Closed)
White Splash? (Closed)
Necropotence in Junk EDH (Closed)
What do people think of this? (Closed)
Red Elemental Counter Help (Closed)
can anyone give me some input (Closed)
Make like a tree and kick some ass (Closed)
[[Blood Scrivener]] in JundVine? (Closed)
My first Golgari deck (Budget) (Closed)
BUG Counters (Closed)
Help with Devotion (Closed)
Edh deck, maybe board help. (Closed)
Sideboard to combat void? (Closed)
Esper-Midrange Help! Please.c: (Closed)
Gruul defense against control (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
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- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?