Deck Help MTG Forum
why is so much of my deck illegal? (Closed)
Thoughts? (Closed)
cheating by dragons.. (Closed)
Help Against Mill? (standard) (Closed)
EDH is new to meh helpz (Closed)
Barbarians need assistance (Closed)
First Modern Deck? (Closed)
Any suggestions to improve? (Closed)
W/B/R in Standard? (Closed)
Izzet tempo help (Closed)
Assistance Required: Apply Within (Closed)
budget america control help (Closed)
Lich Questions (Closed)
mana help (Closed)
help against control (Closed)
To Elf Or Not To Elf (Closed)
Multiplayer infect (Closed)
EDH Allies, because why not (Closed)
Modern Gruul Deck Feedback Please :) (Closed)
Looking for some deck feedback :) (Closed)
Little help? (Closed)
Awaken the Ancient (standard) (Closed)
Esper Control Wins?!? (Closed)
Playtest Please (Closed)
RW Control in standard (Closed)
Mill and standard (Closed)
Dragon standard input (Closed)
Zhur-Taa Ancient? (Closed)
How many lands do I need? (Closed)
FNM help (Closed)
Please help with my deck. (Closed)
Criticise my deck? (Closed)
Splash or Stay Devoted? (Closed)
Calling all EDH players! (Closed)
Defender Help (Closed)
Blood Baron of Bitch-zkopa!! :( (Closed)
Mono-Black Sideboard.. (Closed)
Has anyone considered.... (Closed)
need help with newt deck (Closed)
EDH Need a Little Help Finishing (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
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- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
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- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?