Deck Help MTG Forum
Whoring my Krenko EDH (Closed)
Help to beat netdecks (Closed)
Fog deck (Closed)
Ways to beat Maze's End (Closed)
Help with CASUAL Angels (Closed)
Need Protection (Closed)
is it ready to rumble?!?! (Closed)
Making an EDH Deck (Closed)
Help my girlfriend learn EDH? (Closed)
Red/Green help (Closed)
need help with edh deck (Closed)
Not enough Creatures? (Closed)
White weenie help (Closed)
Need to Cut Some Cards... (Closed)
G/R Deck Help (Closed)
Izzet returns! (Closed)
Standard Deck Help (Closed)
Dis discard needs help (Closed)
what do you guys think ofma deck (Closed)
White green (Closed)
FNM deck help (Closed)
Mono Blue Flyer/Control (Closed)
GW revised (Closed)
Uril creature count? (Closed)
Illusionist Bracers in R/w Burn? (Closed)
Artifact affinity deck that sputters (Closed)
Need help w/ 2 different decks. (Closed)
Is this viable? (Closed)
Help at landing (Closed)
Deck for fnm (Closed)
WHICH DECK? (Closed)
EDH super-ramp? (Closed)
cheap discard deck help (Closed)
Help Getting Into Modern (Closed)
flyer issues in G/W deck (Closed)
Oona, queen of fae EDH help! (Closed)
golgari splash (Closed)
golgari splash (Closed)
First Standard FNM Deck! HELP!!! (Closed)
Selesnya to Bant (Closed)
Coming back to MTG (Closed)
Morglen Deck help (Closed)
Odric's Army Suggestions Please (Closed)
Landfall EDH (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
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- What is your favorite mono blue mage to play as a commander?
- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?