Deck Help MTG Forum
Exploiting Werewolves (Closed)
Zambies!!! (Closed)
Jenara voltron suggestions (Closed)
Devotion in Modern (Closed)
First attempt at EDH - Melek (Closed)
Feedback Please (Closed)
Mono-Red Sideboard help (Closed)
Goblin Deck tips? (Closed)
Vault of the Archangel of Thune... (Closed)
Roon EDH - Thoughts? (Closed)
Jund, Suggestions? (Closed)
Newbie G/W Deck help (Closed)
Oloro EDH needs help with refining (Closed)
Deck Feedback (Closed)
To filter or not to filter? (Closed)
dimir steal critique and comment (Closed)
Dead Guys Moldy Loam (Closed)
my deck is damm slow is it fixable (Closed)
Jund Help (Closed)
Chandra, deck question (Closed)
Is Bant Control Viable in Standard? (Closed)
Trying to Decide on a Standard (Closed)
Finishing touches on G/W heal deck (Closed)
RW dev meta aggro (Closed)
standard help (Closed)
BUG Superfriends (Closed)
Orzhov deck needs tweaking (Closed)
Al Jundy xD Jund! Help Please :) (Closed)
Vampire, aggro, rakdos(B/R) (Closed)
Need help finishing a sideboard (Closed)
Need Help With Lands (Closed)
Grixis Guttersnipe Burn (Closed)
A different kind of Esper (Closed)
Nontraditional Burn Deck (Closed)
Sideboard vs. Mainboard Help (Closed)
help with lands (Closed)
PLEASE help Zombie-Mill EDH (Closed)
Getting hated out (Closed)
Extort Deck Help (Closed)
how to make a land lock deck (Closed)
what makes you useless (cont.) (Closed)
Thassa EDH Deck (Please HELP!!!) (Closed)
Sideboard Help (Closed)
New budget azorius project (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
- How Many Dual Lands do I Need?
- How Good is Atalan Jackal?
- What is your favorite mono blue mage to play as a commander?
- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?