Deck Help MTG Forum
(EDH) Not to sound arrogant but.... (Closed)
Christmas Gift Help (Closed)
heroic for FNM (Closed)
Infect Control (Closed)
Modern SB help for Combo (Closed)
Mono blue deck work (Closed)
Frostborn or Rakdos cackler (Closed)
Standard Land destruction choice (Closed)
To ramp or not to ramp? (Closed)
Need Help on my U/B deck (Closed)
Ideal aggro Purphoros deck? (Closed)
Izzet Counterburn (Closed)
Daring Skyjek vs. Cavalry Pegasus (Closed)
Oloro is a nuisance (Closed)
Where Ancients progress (Closed)
Edh Deck Help (Closed)
review my deck before my first FNM (Closed)
Mono Green Devotion (Closed)
Modern Sideboard Assistance (Closed)
I need some help here guys (Closed)
Thoughtseize mainboard in 3 color? (Closed)
Answer to Grafdigger's Cage? (Closed)
R/B Minotaurs (Closed)
Blue 2 Drops (Closed)
Mono-Black Mana Curve Help (Closed)
But its so dang expensive! (Closed)
I need edh help (Closed)
Prophet of Kruphix in Maze's End? (Closed)
death by pact (Closed)
Zombie vs zombie challenge! (Closed)
Just need a few ideas (Closed)
Yosei, Morning star synergy (Closed)
Some "Budget" help (Closed)
2nd opinion on card switching (Closed)
Fixing problems (Closed)
Mono-white Humans (Modern) (Closed)
Red Deck Wins Help (Closed)
Tribal Horrors? (Closed)
Sideboard help Please? (Closed)
[[Hexproof Bogle]] (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
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- What is your favorite mono blue mage to play as a commander?
- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?