Deck Help MTG Forum
Help With BWR Midrange STD (Closed)
Help With Gruul Midrange/Ramp (Closed)
Looking for opinions on my deck (Closed)
need tips (new player) (Closed)
Deck Overhaul: Please Critique! (Closed)
Esper Control (Closed)
standardized slivers (Closed)
Change of Strategy (Closed)
what good is [[aetherling]]? (Closed)
Who wants me to playtest? (Closed)
Modern Win Condition (Closed)
Standard reanimator (Closed)
Rakdos EDH, input wanted (Closed)
How much Land in a 60 card 3 AVGCMC? (Closed)
American Modern. Geist? or no Geist? (Closed)
New EDH player. (Closed)
First Modern Deck Attempt (Closed)
Standard Junk Help (Closed)
Red Green Monsters (Closed)
Sideboard Help (Closed)
Really want to make Bant work... (Closed)
modern tournament prep, UW Merfolk (Closed)
Help for my new blue/red deck (Closed)
Looking for a good Hellion Deck. (Closed)
Co-worker wants to build Oloro (Closed)
New to Commander Format (Closed)
Ways to get rid of Erebos for Orzhov (Closed)
Boros Reckoner Solution, Anyone? (Closed)
BG Devotion vs Mono Black Devotion (Closed)
Can't get combo working (Closed)
a RAGE deck (Closed)
New EDH player. (Closed)
[[mono black mix]] help please (Closed)
Modern Red Deck Wins help (Closed)
a mono black deck help (Closed)
Help me make a sideboard please. (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
- How Many Dual Lands do I Need?
- How Good is Atalan Jackal?
- What is your favorite mono blue mage to play as a commander?
- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?