Deck Help MTG Forum
Black sacrifice spell-Standard (Closed)
different boros devotion (Closed)
need help on dimir devotion deck (Closed)
Mono White Enchantment/Devotion (Closed)
Helping me with a sealed deck (Closed)
Spirit Mantle or Aqueous Form (Closed)
hydras (Closed)
Need Help finding Unblockables (Closed)
Need help on Dimir Devotion (Closed)
Simic Experiment One (Closed)
Post-Holiday Boredom (Closed)
need help with my decks i need ideas (Closed)
Need Help with extort deck (Closed)
Miraculous Archenemy (Closed)
Blue/Green Devotion: Help (Closed)
Please check my deck, Opinions? (Closed)
Give me stuff to playtest against! (Closed)
Give me stuff to playtest against! (Closed)
Best of both worlds (U/B standard) (Closed)
Help here. How many should I run? (Closed)
Daxos EDH intial build (Closed)
EDH deck help? (Closed)
My first mill deck! Help please! (Closed)
Check this out! (Closed)
Syncopate or Negate? (Closed)
Legion Loyalist or Firefist Striker (Closed)
Is this viable (standard) (Closed)
Playtesters Unite! (Closed)
Boros Aggro Christmas gift (Closed)
Help to improve Deck Concept (Closed)
Theros Enchantment Creature Question (Closed)
Creature answer for R/U/G (Closed)
EDH help for all! (Closed)
Legacy version of affinity (Closed)
U/W Control will own everything. (Closed)
need help on my commander (Closed)
What do you think of a drawing deck? (Closed)
WHEEL!!! OF!! FORTUNE!!!!!!! (Closed)
EDH help (Closed)
Dissipate vs Dissolve (Closed)
Mono-Blue Control (Modern) (Closed)
esper help! (Closed)
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