Deck Help MTG Forum
Mono Red Devotion Sideboard Help (Closed)
Eldrazi Modern (Closed)
Vampire Combo (Closed)
U/W True-Blade Legacy (Closed)
Esper conntrol deck needs help (Closed)
Help with modern Sliver deck (Closed)
U/W True-Blade Legacy (Closed)
Check my deck?? (Closed)
Standard boros devotion (Closed)
Help a New Player Out! (Closed)
Control deck help! (Closed)
adding Dissolve (Closed)
Jarad needs help (Closed)
Help Me and My Lands (Closed)
Izzet Deck Trimming help needed! (Closed)
Simic Removal? (Closed)
[[touch my junk]] (Closed)
Door To Nothingness Deck Critque (Closed)
I have no cards in my hand. HELP!!! (Closed)
Simic Playtesters needed. (Closed)
Pimp that mana base! (Closed)
Esper control deck help (Closed)
R/U burn control (Closed)
Help with an Elf-Ramp Deck. (Closed)
which archtype to choose from (Closed)
EDH: Tuning Jarad (Closed)
Anti control sideboard (Closed)
Need Some deck Testing done? (Closed)
Tribal zombies (Closed)
Bloody Baron (Closed)
can someone help with a fun edh deck (Closed)
Blue or Not? (Closed)
New Rakdos Burn Deck, Please Help (Closed)
a weakspot deck (Closed)
C-13 Esper Pre-Con help (Closed)
what is a infinite combo deck (Closed)
Steam augury or inspiration? (Closed)
Competitive Idea (Closed)
Help Selesnya fight back :) (Closed)
Mono red aggro (Closed)
Would very much appreciate feedback. (Closed)
Artifact deck (Closed)
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Recently Added
- Deck Review (Commander) (Fixed Missing Link)
- How Many Dual Lands do I Need?
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- What is your favorite mono blue mage to play as a commander?
- Good uses for bad cards
- How Good is Tyrannize?
- Formatting a deck to have different sections
- What Card Should ReplaceSpidersilk Armor?
- Using shrazarad
- Should I Put Additional Artifact Dual Lands in this Deck?