Deck Help MTG Forum
Golgari of Scavange = Top Deck (Closed)
[[suggestion:Xenagos, the Reveler]] (Closed)
MTG M14 Deckbuilder's Kit (Closed)
Izzet budget competitive (Closed)
Help with first few turns of Mill (Closed)
Need a simple deck (Closed)
Aurelia, the Warleader deck. (Closed)
Can somone give me advise? Please. (Closed)
RDW - New to Modern!! (Closed)
Cascade (Closed)
Sideboard in General (Closed)
Mill, Nylea, God of the Hunt BANE (Closed)
Help for someone new to competetive? (Closed)
Mono Black Devotion (Closed)
Esper Deck Help (Closed)
Is this combo worth it? (Closed)
Calling all EDH players. (Closed)
help on EDH deck, take a look (Closed)
Aetherling mill deck please advise (Closed)
I've decided to Troll my local store (Closed)
Rate my deck please. (Closed)
Could this work? (Closed)
Dragon tribal in standard. (Closed)
Horror mill (an attempt) (Closed)
Mono-White Anti Burn Deck (Closed)
Deck assistance (Closed)
An attempt at a G/R aggro deck (Closed)
Negate vs. Swan Song. (Closed)
Slag Fiend and Greater Gargadon deck (Closed)
A true mana-fixing conundrum... (Closed)
Mono White Sideboarding (Closed)
Need good 3 drops for Boros Aggro (Closed)
Emrakul replacement (Closed)
Card Help (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Good uses for bad cards
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- Using shrazarad
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